BTA Show Off Thread!


My breeding pair and my RBTA that split into 3
Looks like weird lighting or photo shop to me, I wouldn't believe those colors unless I saw them in a video or in person
Heres mine. been in the tank for 1 night, looks preety good compared to my first one. (Do not buy any from Blue Water Bay in Niceville FL)
those are the almost actual colors i have seen them in person and they are absolutely insane!!!! just cost 3-400 for a 1-2" nem :(
Ouch, pricey, but still half the price for a sexy signature. I oh paid 50 for my first one when it was about 1.5 in, and then I got the red one from divers den that was 130, but still worth it for that insane red.
Looks to me like it is under UV light (aka black light). You would be amazed how some of these anemones look under that light.
nothing special really, i just floss once a week. My idea is to have it as low maintenance as much as possible. I do water change when ever i have time, so its like 3-5 times a year or something.

here is another shot with the floss on my maxijet... its just a coke bottle cut in half, then put filter material you buy from walmart. cheap and very good. I put it on usually sundays, then remove it maybe wednesday. Wash it, then repeat on sunday.

something like that when i remember to put it on.

nothing special really, i just floss once a week. My idea is to have it as low maintenance as much as possible. I do water change when ever i have time, so its like 3-5 times a year or something.


3-5 times a year:eek::hmm3::confused:??!? How does that work? Your tank looks awsome but how do your keep nutrients down?!?!
Also, new black ice girlfriend for black and white
nutrients? what nutrients? the last time i checked it is off the charts!!! like 50-100....

But since i only keep easy to maintain corals mostly softies, they dont mind. Also, only 3 fishes, so not so much food coming in.
nutrients? what nutrients? the last time i checked it is off the charts!!! like 50-100....

But since i only keep easy to maintain corals mostly softies, they dont mind. Also, only 3 fishes, so not so much food coming in.

:eek: and your anemones are good with that too?!? I know that bta are hardy, but I didn't think that they liked dirty water. Grrrr makes me want to give up my acros as I change 15-25% weekly out of my ten gallon (easy enough to do and may be overkill but I'm always paranoid that ill lose color or something if I don't).