BTA Show Off Thread!

RBTAs are one of my favorite anemone. Here are mine when I used to keep BTA. I think at some point, I had over 13 of them, they split like crazy. When my onyx clowns were getting bigger, I noticed the colors started to fade so I removed and sold all BTA in the tank.

ahhh.....the good old days when everything was simple. Just give me two piles of rock and I'll fill one with RBTAs and the other with Hammer/frogspawn corals and I'll fill the sandbed with ricordia and clams.

RBTA pillar


Fire'n ice

My little clown lost in a rose garden


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Damn....How I miss that set up. Things were simple back them. Now, I'm chasing this sps dream without any fruits in sight.
Heres my little bta :) In the morning, before the lights are gonna go on the tips are bubbles, after an hour or so that the lights have been on the tips deflate haha weird.

Haha before I scrolled down to see the "photoshop" thing I was like HOMGGGG!!! Those are beautiful, I'm loving that flame thing. Never seen anything like it.

gixx, are those all clones of one parent?

Yes, all from one parent.

Wow, the left and right side looks like one giant red gigantea sort of, with all the flowing tentacles. :)

Yeah, last time i tried counting there where about 20. :spin2:
Here's one that not many people have. I call it 'Blueberry'.



I want to apologize now because I am going to stalk you from now until you sell me a clone or I find one somewhere else. ;)

That thing is ridiculously gorgeous! I actually don't even want any other anemone now that I know that thing exists. Seriously this knowledge is ground-breaking.

Just kidding. That one's photoshopped, but this next one isn't. Doesn't show the intensity of the color very well though.


And then sadness ensued... :(
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I want to apologize now because I am going to stalk you from now until you sell me a clone or I find one somewhere else. ;)

That thing is ridiculously gorgeous! I actually don't even want any other anemone now that I know that thing exists. Seriously this knowledge is ground-breaking.

And then sadness ensued... :(

He got me too.....
My tank...

This BTA is a nice deep green but looks a bit brown in the photo
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I'm a happy RBTA owner here:


Its in my 20gallon... I'm a little scared of it growing :) Very beautiful anemone.
Seamonkey84, nice yellow tips on the right one! :thumbsup: I keep watching for that color in full or part like that, but it never shows up in the LFS around here.
Seamonkey84, nice yellow tips on the right one! :thumbsup: I keep watching for that color in full or part like that, but it never shows up in the LFS around here.

Thanks, I got it at a store in NH just over a month ago. They had a bunch of them all fairly small for $60. when I first got it, it had pink tips that went to orange with a greenish base. It morphed a bit when I put it under 20k par30... For the better it seems too lol. The pink tips are beginning to come back though since I've had it under a full spec par38 from LEDtric for the past week.