BTA Show Off Thread!

I'm trying to upload a photo by going to upload attachments using existing photo on my iPhone but I keep getting the same upload fail message. I've uploaded photos the same way before but now it won't work. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I was able to upload the photo in the general forum but for some reason it won't let me upload it in this thread.
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Here's my monster

nice, i love percs with RBTAs, have that too!

i would like to see them in a GBTA though, as i guess the contrast would be even better. thinking about switching my R for a G ;)

here is my green bubbletip anemone.. few months old..


ok image wont come up.. so you can look at my pictures on my page.. sorry unless someone can please tell me how to put a picture up??
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Bad pic bc the GBTA moved but here it is half of it atleast and pic when i first got the GBTA


  • BTA when purchased.jpg
    BTA when purchased.jpg
    69 KB · Views: 1
  • photo (1).jpg
    photo (1).jpg
    57.5 KB · Views: 1
My first nem, couples day old in the tank.

Too bad it has mov beside my toadstool, I'm playing a waiting game to see if that's where it will stay. Then I guess I'm going to have to have to cut the toadstool off that rock. :headwallblue: