Bubble King & "Mini" Bubble King Skimmers Coming Soon - New Lower Pricing!


I am sorry to hear about the major loss of fish, however blaming the skimmer for this loss is not only inaccurate in my opinion, but completely out of line. I think the overwhelming majority of experience hobbyists who have kept fairy wrasses would say the same in this situation.

At any rate, I am sending you a PM for instructions to send the unit back so that we can issue you a full refund for the skimmer. Please note that I will test the unit as soon as I get it back in here to test it, and I will post the results here. I am definitely curious to see what the knocking issue is.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10789965#post10789965 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnb
must have moved recently - your info to the left says st louis - yea - I walk to the rib often

Been here 8 years. Parents live in West Palm. Whenever we're down for a visit we do the rib.

I know how that goes... I tell people I am going to the Atlanta Aquarium or visiting Cappucinno Bay down there again, and people keep asking me 'dont you live in Wisconsin?', as if... I cant travel down there enough times a year to be a member of the Atlanta Aquarium and have it be worth it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10789150#post10789150 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DeltecRules
I have owned fairy wrasses for the past 10 years. I have learned that if you don't feed them at least twice a day they will loose weight and perish over time. It does depend on the fish though. The lineatus is easy to take care of. But once they acclimate they can become bosses of the tank. Very bold. The rhomboids I have had in the past can be skittish but the one I had was bold and he and lineatus sometimes didn't see eye to eye. The good news is that the females survived, females are harder to find. Just make sure if you buy a lineatus make sure he is eating. My LFS got a few in and they had pinch stomachs and it looked like some kind of internal parasite.

The soft colors didn't suffer that bad but my spaghetti green leathers were closing up, which was depressing since the true greens are hard to find. My Tyree toadstool wasn't looking to happy either. Oxygen has never been a problem for me in my system. I have 4 Tunze 6045's, and a Eheim 1260 as a return pump which provide alot of flow in the system.


If you knew your skimmer wasn't working, why would you need to feed these fish three times a day???:confused: I would have thrown my old skimmer online immediately, with livestock of that quality, 10 yrs of experience would tell you that. This story does not add up. It sounds like, "I bought a thousand dollar skimmer and need a refund"

I have to say that Premium Aquatics has always been top notch.

and Jeremy you should have worked nine days in a row!!:rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10797476#post10797476 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paulairduck
and Jeremy you should have worked nine days in a row!!:rollface:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He soon will be! ;)
Deltec, I had issues when I got my BK also. This was from another vendor. I too overreacted and am embarassed of my behavior and wish I could take it back. I know how you feel when you spend big $$ and you don't get what you expect. For me, it tooks months to get a skimmer that UPS broke replaced by Klaus. I was skimmerless for a few weeks until a couple buddies let me borrow their skimmers. My tank is BB and relies very much on a skimmer to keep the tank healthy. But I had no losses. But I also reacted wisely. I had a whole shoal of anthias but I knew it was more healthy for everything in the tank for me to feed lightly for a few weeks or months until I get a decent skimmer on the tank. You are not going to kill your fish by feeding them lightly for a short while for the benefit of the whole tank. Then go back to feeding heavy again after you get the skimmer. By feeding heavy without a skimmer you are putting all of your fish and corals in danger. I have never owned any of those wrasses, but like I said I had a shoal of anthias when I went through a similar issue. IMO, it is not fair to blame the skimmer problem on your loss of fish. I do understand the frustration, but it sounds like Jeremy has done everything he can to take care of you. It was bad timing for you as this happened while Jeremy was at MACNA but sometimes that is the way things go. I have spent a lot of money at Premium Aquatics and will continue to do so simply because of the excellent service I have recieved from them. IME, they really care about their customers. My advice for you would be to stop slamming Jeremy on this forum because that is what you are going to regret the most when this is all over. Best of luck to your tank, I hope you don't have any more losses.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10797476#post10797476 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paulairduck

If you knew your skimmer wasn't working, why would you need to feed these fish three times a day???:confused: I would have thrown my old skimmer online immediately, with livestock of that quality, 10 yrs of experience would tell you that. This story does not add up. It sounds like, "I bought a thousand dollar skimmer and need a refund"

I have to say that Premium Aquatics has always been top notch.

and Jeremy you should have worked nine days in a row!!:rollface:


If you knew your skimmer wasn't working, why would you need to feed these fish three times a day???:confused:

I would have thrown my old skimmer online immediately, with livestock of that quality, 10 yrs of experience would tell you that.

First I have 16 years of experience in the hobby not 10. I did throw my old red sea berlin after I had enough of the problems and it pulled alot of crap,. So with all my experience I took action.

What the hell do you mean the story does not add up? Have you even read all the posts? The pump does not work, knocking noises, vibrations. The needlewheel still has CNC shaving on the impellar which i found one of the shavings stuck in the impellar housing in the pump. The bubble plate was CNC made instead of being clear like the other models. How am I suppose to line up the bubble plate properly without seeing the nozzle of the output of the skimmer? There were scar like marks on the bottom of the bubble plate. The foam does not even make it up to the collection cup and even if it does its not even brown. Other Bk mini 200 users have told me they are having the same problems. I would also judge that the pump is underpowered for the body of this skimmer. With all these problems wouldn't you ask for a refund? Please get a clue or read the previous posts before making such ridiculous commets.

I have to say that Premium Aquatics has always been top notch.

and Jeremy you should have worked nine days in a row!!:rollface:


Yes PA is top notch. I bought alot of stuff from them and never had a problem until this.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10797694#post10797694 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Travis
Deltec, I had issues when I got my BK also. This was from another vendor. I too overreacted and am embarassed of my behavior and wish I could take it back. I know how you feel when you spend big $$ and you don't get what you expect. For me, it tooks months to get a skimmer that UPS broke replaced by Klaus. I was skimmerless for a few weeks until a couple buddies let me borrow their skimmers. My tank is BB and relies very much on a skimmer to keep the tank healthy. But I had no losses. But I also reacted wisely. I had a whole shoal of anthias but I knew it was more healthy for everything in the tank for me to feed lightly for a few weeks or months until I get a decent skimmer on the tank. You are not going to kill your fish by feeding them lightly for a short while for the benefit of the whole tank. Then go back to feeding heavy again after you get the skimmer. By feeding heavy without a skimmer you are putting all of your fish and corals in danger. I have never owned any of those wrasses, but like I said I had a shoal of anthias when I went through a similar issue. IMO, it is not fair to blame the skimmer problem on your loss of fish. I do understand the frustration, but it sounds like Jeremy has done everything he can to take care of you. It was bad timing for you as this happened while Jeremy was at MACNA but sometimes that is the way things go. I have spent a lot of money at Premium Aquatics and will continue to do so simply because of the excellent service I have recieved from them. IME, they really care about their customers. My advice for you would be to stop slamming Jeremy on this forum because that is what you are going to regret the most when this is all over. Best of luck to your tank, I hope you don't have any more losses.

You know Travis I am going to blame this skimmer because what I got was not a great product. There were CNC shavings left on the impellar. The pump was vibrating and making a knocking noise. The bubble plate was not made of clear material instead a CNC made with scuff marks. Instead of immediately getting a replacement I was told the pump would be TAGGED, Jeremy said so he can test it!! It should be replaced without question. Its a frickin $780 pump to get replaced if anything ever goes wrong. I was told from a PM if I had an old skimmer to use. This should have never came to that! Someone from PA should have sent me a replacement immediately which did not happen.

Travis I am not going to regret anything I am saying here slamming Jeremy. When Jeremy requests the $780 pump to be tagged and tested instead of getting an immediate replacement with all the problems its having. How is that not slammable? How is it not slamamble when I complained with cnc shavings on the pinwheel, I was not sent a replacement pinwheel without question!! Instead I was told by Jeremy sayings tis part of the CNC process. I found myself last week picking cnc shavings off of my pinwheel. Not the experience I want to go through again on a $1118 skimmer.
I've been following this for a while. I'm going to have to disagree with you DR. You can't blame the skimmer. The bottom line is all things can go wrong with a reef tank. You, me, we all need contingency plans when things go wrong.

DR, You chose to swap out your skimmer. You were taking a risk with an unproven and brand new product. The price of the product or brand name doesn't change this fact. It doesn't matter if the skimmer costs $100 or $10,000, you took it upon yourself take a risk. Your old skimmer was probably working fine.

Personally, I would have kept my old skimmer on stand by until the new one ran fine for a few weeks. In the event the old skimmer was unavailable, you could have shut off the lights, fed less, and tossed a few airstones into the sump. Catastrophic failures require flexibility and a clear head to work through the issues.

Should it have worked properly, indeed. Does you're situation suck, yes. Do I believe you should get a new skimmer or a refund, probably, but the skimmer didn't kill your fish.
On my previous tank, I was skimmer-less for about 1 year..and I had high maintenance fish in there..never had a problem or a death ! :D
This is just wrong on so many levels. If you can find anyone who is a better person from the perspective of customer service than Jeremy Brower in this industry, well, good luck is all I say. He is hardly the traditional fish flake. This guy really cares about the hobbyist and his/her livestock.

I agree with what everyone else said about hanging on to the old equipment, scaling back on feeding, everything.

Plus, your first post about taking the pump entirely apart, about how easy it was, reported nothing suspect about the performance or the quality of the construction. There are other ways needlewheels can get frayed, after all,. Given you found everything easy and perfect when you first inspected, it is puzzling that you are now so sure it was a manufacturing flaw.

And, even then, full refunds, replacements were offered. So why spend the time flaming those who offered this, instead of sending it back to them to replace or refund whatever you want?

It's a puzzlement, for sure.
Deltec Rules,

I don't think you could have handled this matter any worse than you have for all the aforementioned reasons. How could you dare to disparage the impeccable reputation of Jeremy?? That's just not right. Not that he needs our defending, but its pretty obvious how highly we all think about this guy and the superb customer service he provides. There isnt a hard working and more dedicated man in the business. You are only making yourself look very bad and are hurting your standing with your fellow hobbyists. If you had to vent then this could have and should have been done privately. Good luck.
You can not blame any one on this, that is why we have lemon low in the states.
I can understand why DR is so upset after paying all the $ his dream skimmer did not perform the way it suppose to .
Many of as do craze things when it comes to our tanks look at Steve West with all the experience he crash his tank by not doing the right thing .
So really we don't know what was the problem and why the fish die . I turn my skimmer off for a day and my 8 years old PBT was not to happy about that.
I think BK makes a good skimmers..... so may be this one was a lemon it can happen to the best manufacturer.
As for PA i always do all my reef shopping there no problem at all always great costumer service .
DR why don't you get a external skimmer i'm sure PA will work something out with you .
I don't know if BK make a small External skimmer for your needs but they suppose to be the best External skimmers out there .
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The thing that bugs me is why didn't DR call PA last week to arrange a replacement as soon as the skimmer started making weird noises.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10800682#post10800682 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by burris
The thing that bugs me is why didn't DR call PA last week to arrange a replacement as soon as the skimmer started making weird noises.
Perhaps everything can get worked out and both sides can be happy such as DR returning the skimmer and Jeremy giving him another BK or something like that. I agree that perhaps this one was just a lemon because on most other threads, BK skimmers perform extremely well.

DR keep us updated on what happens. Everyone says that Jeremy has great service so he should be able to pull through and help a unhappy customer out.
From the state of the bubble plate and the impeller, it almost seems to me like someone confused a prototype or test-skimmer for the real deal and boxed it up to be shipped out as the final deal.
I just had to chime in here DR Jeremy WILL make this right for you I have been buy supplies from his company since 1998. I bought a sump from them I had to talk him into having it made for me he had a friend who made them on the side.So I told them what I wanted he relayed (middle man)it for me.I don't even think he made money if I remember right I mailed a check to the guy.When the sump came in of corse it was cracked I flipped called them 23year old jerk that I was berated who ever it was that I spoke with.So Jeremy steps in refunds my money who knows if he ever got paid back tells me keep the sump and even tells me how to fix itI was a jerk and to this day am truly sorry at how I acted .So please instead of regreting this later work with Jeremy as I said he WILL make good.