The head as you reveive it, will have a simple wall wart type transformer (12vdc) it connects using the standard DC power connecter to the SCH. The way Aqua driver will have you use it is to just plug it in for a minute every day or so.
The timer I used:
Is set to a mode (not sure which one) so that as soon as the timer is turned on (power applied) it will close the contact and countdown and then open the contact.
Now this is powered by a outlet on my Neptune controller. I have it on for most of the day, then it goes off for 1 minute then back on for the rest of the day. As soon as the power goes on it will start the timmer and then sit there in the powered state untill power is shut off again for that minute, then repeat...
May sound hard but it really isnt.
I have my SCH run for 50 seconds.
The neptune's smallest increment is 1 minute.
The SCH is great, as I have the 300ext with a waste collector, its somewhat hard to disconnect the waste collector, unscrew the head and clean. Also since its a external, I would have to shut down the needle wheel so the foam wouldnt overflow on to my carpet. If I did do it that way, I would have a lag time while the foam builds back up. So for me, a great investment.
And besides, the bubblekings look cooler wearing little red hats.
I asked Aquadriver about including a timer and I dont think anything is in the works.