Anyone running a 160mini on a well stocked 50 gallon system or is it just overkill?
Thanks timvdb!Hi - I run a BK160 on a 50UK gallon overstocked zeovit system and it is incredible!!!
How do you join the club? Buy a BK skimmer
okay got myself a Bubbleking Deluxe 300 ext. this thing look like a monster. can't wait to test it out. any advice or hints to the start up process?
Start it off slow by having the water level low. Be patient the foam will break down alot when feeding or hands in the tank taking it a long time to recover.
After about 6 weeks it will not do that so bad and recover much quicker.
Get yourself a dwyer air flow meter and check the air flow and you will know when the pump needs a cleaning.
I'm also having issues with my BK 160 being quite loud. The rest of my tank is dead silent and I went to great lengths to ensure it is quiet - hence the reason I bought this skimmer based on reviews. I've had my skimmer just under a year and it has been noisy pretty much from day 1. However, this last week it has gotten noisier for no apparent reason. I've taken it apart, cleaned it and reassembled it several times and there doesn't appear to be anything unusual going on and it never gets any quieter. Any suggestions or is my only recourse to send it to Proline Aquatics? And speaking of Proline Aquatics, does anyone know why they're no longer listed in the sponsor forums? Have they chosen to discontinue their sponsorship?
What kind of noise is it? Could you post a picture of your skimmer setting in the sump?
When shopping around for a skimmer, including BubbleKing, should I follow the manufacturers guidelines for tank size or are they overrated? For example I need a skimmer for a 250 gallon mixed reef. Should I go with the mini 200 rated at 135-265 or the delux 200 rated at 185-400?