Bubble King Skimmer Club

Just a update on how my BK 200 Deluxe is going.All I can say this things a beast.The gunk it pull is black,smelly and thick.Took a while to tune it in but now it's running great.Ive only used lesser quality skimmers in the past but I can see the results in a top end product. :)
What would you suggest for a 140 gallon with a 35/40 gallon sump? Medium to heavy bioload. I was looking at the double cone 180
I just got the BK min 160 new version.
Its all in place in the sump....... It is however humming!! Just humming, no rattle.
Is this normal? can I expect it will go away in a while after the break in?

thanks :-)

It should not be humming, but what I call humming and what you call humming could be two totally different things. If you have your stand doors open and your face is right in front of the skimmer you should be able to tell it's running by a slight hum. I can guarantee that once your stand doors are shut, or you kick on other equipment on your system you should NOT hear the skimmer at all. The RD1 pumps do have a very slight / faint hum to them, the new RD3 pumps are dead silent, period.
What would you suggest for a 140 gallon with a 35/40 gallon sump? Medium to heavy bioload. I was looking at the double cone 180

The Double Cone 180 would be spot on for this set up and kick some serious butt! I would not suggest going up to the 8" body Double Cone 200 or SUper Marin 200, as that will be too much body and neck for your display volume with that size sump. Make sure you get the RD3 powered Double Cone 180, not the standard RD1 powered skimmer.
Looks great, I still have yet to install mine. What is the extra nozzle looking piece used for that was included with the pump. It was in it's own bag if I recall.
i have a Gen II BK Mini 200 and i was cleaning it the other day and i knocked the body over….

there is a screw that holds the adjuster pipe support to the body. do you know what the screw looks like and what the thread pitch/diameter is of the screw. that way i can find one… or do you sell them?


the screw is 6x1.

If Premium dont have it on stock, send a mail to :.. info@royal-exclusiv.de and we send any screws via German Post. No problem....

best regards ... Klaus
Is there a neck cleaner and/or air freshener top that is compatible / ideal for the Bubble King Double Cone 180? I'm mostly interested in the air freshener top to reduce the stink from the skimmate and make my wife happier. The DC 180 is such a beast at ripping out DOC's, the skimmate builds up pretty quick and smells LOVELY.

I built my own by just sticking a bag of GAC on top of the skimmer cup, but that only works so far...

Seriously though, the thing is a monster at ripping out green brown gunk. And it does so 100% dead silentl.
Hi I just purchased a Royal Exclusiv Bubble King Double Cone 180 + RD3 Speedy for my Red Sea S650. The sump area is surrounded by a panel with only a small notch to all power cords from sump area to outlet draw. My problem is that the pump control box will not fit in that small notch and I have no room in the sump area for the black control box. Can I detach the wire from the black control box to the pump?

Is there a neck cleaner and/or air freshener top that is compatible / ideal for the Bubble King Double Cone 180? I'm mostly interested in the air freshener top to reduce the stink from the skimmate and make my wife happier. The DC 180 is such a beast at ripping out DOC's, the skimmate builds up pretty quick and smells LOVELY.

I built my own by just sticking a bag of GAC on top of the skimmer cup, but that only works so far...

Seriously though, the thing is a monster at ripping out green brown gunk. And it does so 100% dead silentl.

Unfortunately there is no air freshener available for it right now, but it's a possibility on down the road. You could try and fabricate something out of some acrylic and screen though, basically making just a carbon tray for it to pull the smell out as the air goes through.
Hi I just purchased a Royal Exclusiv Bubble King Double Cone 180 + RD3 Speedy for my Red Sea S650. The sump area is surrounded by a panel with only a small notch to all power cords from sump area to outlet draw. My problem is that the pump control box will not fit in that small notch and I have no room in the sump area for the black control box. Can I detach the wire from the black control box to the pump?


The control box can not be unattached from the pump, I'm sorry. If you decide to do it the warranty would be void. Is it possible to somehow remove this panel to place everything, and then attach it back once it's all in place with a larger area for wires to go through?
Is there a neck cleaner and/or air freshener top that is compatible / ideal for the Bubble King Double Cone 180? I'm mostly interested in the air freshener top to reduce the stink from the skimmate and make my wife happier. The DC 180 is such a beast at ripping out DOC's, the skimmate builds up pretty quick and smells LOVELY.

I built my own by just sticking a bag of GAC on top of the skimmer cup, but that only works so far...

Seriously though, the thing is a monster at ripping out green brown gunk. And it does so 100% dead silentl.

a while back (on a different skimmer) i added a air hose that went from the muffler to the lid of the skimmer. this made the skimmer re-circulate the stinky air from the cup to make the bubbles within the skimmer.

this is also a possibility. (it just takes an air hose"¦. so its easy enough to give a try.)
you just attach one side to the muffler, and then stick the hose in a hole in the lid.
The control box can not be unattached from the pump, I'm sorry. If you decide to do it the warranty would be void. Is it possible to somehow remove this panel to place everything, and then attach it back once it's all in place with a larger area for wires to go through?

IMO, it will be really nice if they can use a water proof quick connect at the control box connecting to the pump.

it does makes life a lot easier when running the wires, servicing the pump, or installing the skimmer into a existing setup. Considering the its a good size skimmer pump and control box.

I was lucky that I have a remote sump and space is not an issue.
I'm new to the BK club….

i picked up a used BK Mini 200 and the craftsman ship is sweet.
i had to clean it up before using it, and when i put it in my existing sump, it has a little vibration (i can hear it humming)
the guy i got it from said it happens if when the pump is not installed straight with the Venturi hole? is there any other possibilities?
i have it back out of the sump so i can check anything out.

IMO, it will be really nice if they can use a water proof quick connect at the control box connecting to the pump.

it does makes life a lot easier when running the wires, servicing the pump, or installing the skimmer into a existing setup. Considering the its a good size skimmer pump and control box.

I was lucky that I have a remote sump and space is not an issue.

I agree with you. I just don't know if this will ever be a reality or not. I'm not certain what all safety regulations go into the CE approval for the EU, and how they could get around it.
I'm new to the BK club"¦.

i picked up a used BK Mini 200 and the craftsman ship is sweet.
i had to clean it up before using it, and when i put it in my existing sump, it has a little vibration (i can hear it humming)
the guy i got it from said it happens if when the pump is not installed straight with the Venturi hole? is there any other possibilities?
i have it back out of the sump so i can check anything out.


The only thing I could suggest is to clean it up really well and remount the pump again. If everything is cleaned well and no debris in any of the joints when assembling back together you should be fine.