That is one of the earlier models of the Deluxe 300. The newer styles only have one larger outlet, a coned neck, and a different base.
Well im thinking about buying a 200 mini and was wondering what is the ideal water level for the skimmer. Im limited on space and am hoping that it will fit.
And any input on the skimmer would be appreciated!
Thanks in advanced!
Double cone 250 kickin butt
Very Very nice! Is that still in 9" of water and 35 watt? Do you have the wedge pipe closed at all? If so how much?
I just got my new Double cone 250 yesterday. The build quality is truly amazing. I still have to wait a few weeks to put it in my new tank. But in the mean time I put it in the bath tub just to see it in action. Its in about 9 inches of water. When I turn it on it goes up to 45w but it barely makes any bubbles. When I hit the up arrow it reads 99 and then goes back to 45w. This is my first time with a BK and internal. I'm sure i'm doing something wrong, any ideas?
do you guys think BK 250 int is enough for 435 dt/ 650g+ system ?
i bought a used 300int but it got damage during shipping.
I think a 300 would be better. My double cone 250 is kickin butt, but it's only a 250g display (350g total volume)