I have a Double Cone 200 that I wanna get a self cleaning head for. The manual says the lid measures 200 and 220 at different angles? What size lid for the Vertex Vectra would I need to fit my skimmer?
200mm should be correct for the dims on the collection cup which is what you want to go off of for the SCH lid. The outer diameter of the lid (edge to edge) is probably 220mm.
Yes, it´s under development, comming soon... it´s a very small hightech 12 Volt SineWave Pump. Look the stator and rotor prototyp on the left side from the RD3 Pump...
We make it for the Double-Cones 130 and 150 + Mini Bubble Kings. All Parts are made from Titanium Grade2. All Parts are made in our Factory in Germany. ( The CNC-made Propellers are come from the United States)
This very small 12 Volt DC pump is for the smaller skimmers with max. 60 Watt and for propellerpumps.
best regards ... Klaus
ps.. thanks to all our Customers for the pretty pictures :wave: Yes, the supermarines are one of our best skimmers and Premium-Aquatics is our best RE-Dealer in USA include best customer-support.
I love it! I'm going to point to your response whenever I get a Newb complaining about the pricing of the higher-end units in our hobby. You've been using your skimmer for 6 years, and from the pics it's still performing like the first day it was broken in completely. That's some quality engineering! Props to ze Germans!
tbone28 can you show a photo of the pump and water depth?
I am looking at getting the Bubble King Double Cone 200 / Mini RD3 DC Speedy Pump but not sure if it will fit in my sump. My sump is a Trigger Ruby Elite. Will this skimmer fit?
There are several versions of the Ruby Trigger Elite sump. Best bet would be to measure your skimmer section in that sump. The Double Cone needs at 12.6" x 16" (320mm x 400mm) of space total. If you have that much space, you should be fine.
Spec on my sump says skimmer section is 12.5 x 17.5, so that means it is just slightly too big :sad2: I really wanted this skimmer too. the next size down is for a 150 gal tank and mine is 180
Is your overall volume 180 or is your display 180? Your stock load has a lot to do with it also. If you tank is not heavily loaded with fish, the Double Cone 180 would probably be perfect. You are better off having a skimmer that works consistently hard than an oversized skimmer that becomes inconsistent because you don't have enough dissolved solids to keep it skimming properly.