Build thread of the Monterey Marinland 265 84x24x30



Painted backs of both tanks black. Came out awesome!

Decided to paint back of sump so I could hide all the wires

Looking good.. The sump is looking nice also.

Thanks! Its coming along. Going to figure out how im going to make standpipes. Im returning the all glass megaflow kits.

Looking into Beananimal or durso. Not sure yet, but I have 4 drains to configure. Gotta do some research.
Rock update

Rock update

Live Rock completely cured and cycled in under 3 weeks!

One week RO bath, one water change.

Two weeks in Saltwater. Did a 75% water change after one week in here.

Return plumbing

Return plumbing

I returned the Home Depot valves and waited for Savco's brand.

Ran 1.5" pipe up as high as possible as this will give the most flow to the tank. According to Chris @ Reeflo, there should be easy 2500gph into display without using the manifold with their head pressure calculator.

Not glued yet, just putting the preliminary puzzle together, but happy so far.





Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words. Best Christmas present ever!

Going to plum drains and set up Herbie overflow soon.

I could go Beananimal, but one overflow would basically be stagnant water because the siphon and durso need to be on the same over flow side.
Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words. Best Christmas present ever!

Going to plum drains and set up Herbie overflow soon.

I could go Beananimal, but one overflow would basically be stagnant water because the siphon and durso need to be on the same over flow side.
Are those valves in place? Or are you going to turn them so they face you for Easier adjustment? Loving this build thread...
The bottom valves. Is the ones I'm talking about.. That one on the far left (looking in threw the cabinet) looks like it will be a pain to adjust ..
The bottom valves. Is the ones I'm talking about.. That one on the far left (looking in threw the cabinet) looks like it will be a pain to adjust ..

The bottom left one i will leave unplumbed(just a backup), just keeping it there if I want to use it in the future. Its going to sit there with valve off for now

The other four will more likely be used before that one

Glad you are enjoying the thread, can t wait to spark it up
I can't wait to start mine....... In due time...hopefully Matt will in is new 500+ soon and I'll be in his old 200+ by March/April..I'm in no rush.. Deff getting a few new ideas.. Yours is coming along nicely I really like some of your ideas.. It has made me think a lot..
Moving Along

Moving Along

Filling the tank with fresh water and turning on the Reeflo Dart Gold for 1st time. Most plumbing glued

Going to have to get my wife in there with some mermaid fins soon.







This hobby always challenges us, of course there are leaks :fun4:

Looks like the male inlets to the pump are the problem. At first I used teflon tape. about 3 wraps. No Luck

At second, I used more tape. Maybe 5 wraps, still leaks.

At third, used about 8 wraps and also put bead of silicone in the crack.

I believe some people use teflon pipe dope. Never seen it or used it.

Well see if the silicone does the trick with more tape.

My union valve may be leaking too. Taped it





First time I used the underwater video camera I got for Christmas. Cant wait to get underwater pics.


First time I turned on the Reeflo Pump.

Im not sure the GPH coming out, but it seems like alot of water. Hose cant even come close to keeping up with the pump.

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Pipe dope is located in the plumbing section and comes in a bottle with a brush. Just a FYI in case you need to get it. I think it also goes by liquid teflon tape or something like that.