Build thread of the Monterey Marinland 265 84x24x30

Pipe dope is located in the plumbing section and comes in a bottle with a brush. Just a FYI in case you need to get it. I think it also goes by liquid teflon tape or something like that.

Thanks, if there is still a leak. That will be the next step. I will know soon after this hang over goes away ( :

Happy New Year All!
Moving along to next issue

Moving along to next issue

The pipe inlets stopped leaking after the tape and silicone. The return now is leak free.

The next issue was the amount of water the corner over flows themselves were able to take into the corner boxes. I thought the problem would be that the 1" drains could not handle the flow. It turned out the 2 full siphons(one on each side) with emergency dursos was enough.

Result: I modded the return section inlets by using a dremel. Its seems to be taking in enough water now. After connecting UV and reactor, should be fine.

Reeflo instructs-valving back their pump actually allows the pump to work more efficient anyhow.


Preventing the flood

Preventing the flood

Made holes in the back of the loc line elbow to break the back siphon if the pump stops due to hamster eating cord or if airplane crashes into your house.

The water will drain to the highest area where air can get into a hole on the return. Mine goes down about 1" under the overflow box, which is fine with my 75 sump.

8.7 Gallons drops per inch of water depth



:lol:LOL...looks like a menorah

Was nice to meet you and see all your tanks, this is going to be a sweet tank someday. Let me know if/when you need any help.
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Quick video of back siphon

Quick video of back siphon

Mr Herbie Overflow working rather silent. Slight hum from pump

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
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:lol:LOL...looks like a menorah

Was nice to meet you and see all your tanks, this is going to be a sweet tank someday. Let me know if/when you need any help.

lol...It does look like one. Was nice to meet up with you and your wife too. Thanks. Hope those corals are doing well.

We have the move scheduled for this Sat. @9am. There will be 4 of us and maybe my neighbor. You are welcome to come if you want.

Cant wait to park my car back in garage.
Beginning to empty

Beginning to empty

Pulling out the corals

Was not to hard because most of the coral were on smaller rocks and not on the base rocks. Corals and fish awaiting new home.

Got up @ 7:30AM to start draining and disconnecting equipment




Moving Tank

Moving Tank

Help has arrived @ 9:00AM

Tank get moved onto truck, same way it came in.

Kyle had good idea with 2 x 4's

We left the sump and pump inside stand


We put stand on a sheet of plywood the same footprint of the stand due to the Mexican tiles being so unlevel.


Shimming the stand
Filling it up

Filling it up

We filled the display with about 175 gallons of water from the ocean, along with some warm water I made couple days ago.

Only problem- It was 67 degrees.

Grabbed all my heaters! Onlty had about 600 watts of heating power.

Its now 11:00 and a waiting game. I turned heater on in home to 75 also.


Now its 12:00ish

Corals in bins are cooling down due to air in house too. Prior tank is usually around 77-80


While waiting for the tank to heat, went to the home depot and grabbed some teflon pipe sealant. Used that on the threads going into the pump. The silicone I used prior came loose when untightening the union valves. No more playing around!

Also glued all the drain plumbing in place while waiting.

Here is the one from homedepot and worked perfect.

Decided to take a nap

Decided to take a nap

Fell asleep waiting for all the murky water to clear.

Upon waking up, I found take FedEx had made a delivery. It was on back order when ordered and happen to arrived the exact time I could use it. Was planning on using the smaller one in the mean time.

Felt like waking up as a kid and grabbing one sweet present under the tree. :rollface:

Its about 5PM now and water is 75 degrees and clearing. We put in bunch of base rock and some sand. Made a huge sand storm. Oops

Waiting game again.



One casualty and 3 lost arms

One casualty and 3 lost arms

We put in the new skimmer and also the smaller NWB 150 in the refugium section.

Added few more rocks and sand, then went to a party as water cleared.

Got back home @ 11PM and saw our fish were looking pale and coming up for air in the storage container.

Needless to say, we stayed up till 2:30 putting every single piece of coral, invert, and fish back into the display.

Only loss we had was the cleaner shrimp( AKA coral food thief)

The two other coral banded shrimp got very weak and 3 of 4 of the claws literally fell off when they were placed in the displayed.

Putting bits and pieces together

Putting bits and pieces together

Needed to get some light in there soon.

Mounted my old LEDs inside canopy. These are kits from
Almost 3 to 1 ratio of CW to RB

Got 240 watts for now(3 watts ech with 80 degree optics, I plan on adding more in future. At least another strip. I use small fans to cool them.

Moonlight- ebay kit- 10 one watt


My mess

Ready to lift onto tank
Problem arises

Problem arises

The canopy leg that came with the stand landed directly on top of my middle return.

Had to use another piece of wood off to the side.

More Problems

More Problems

1. My Diamond Goby jumped out over night as the canopy was not on. :sad1:

2. The overflows were splashing bits of water overnight onto my LED drivers.

I figured to best way to kill 3 birds with one stone was to make a cover.

Less light in overflow for algae to feed
Snails and fish get there in there or get in the drain
Less splashing and salt creep all over




Mounting accessories

Mounting accessories

Installed UV behind skimmer and BRS reactor.
I put chemipure elite in the media holder section in the return for now also

I have the old socks there to seed some bacteria

Pump running @ 169 watts. Hooked up the UPS. I get about 30-40mins of back up.

We wanting the dual bommies aquascaping.

I hope you all enjoyed this thread.

We are proud and happy owners of the new creation. The fish are loving this place too! Happy Reefing


