Dang noob! You are assembling some NICE equipment man! I love that ato, seems VERY well built. Im unfamilar with that unit, im guessing it is an overseas only item. Im tellin ya, I see so many awesome pieces of equipment on the outside of the US threads. Im jealous and ashamed that the craftsmanship on those units is so far above that that we have here. I am really wanting to see your sump setup since its all setup now.
Oh and to your coral addition practices i meant it, I mean no disrespect nor was I accusing you of being risky its just that a lot of folks that look at any of our threads would get the wrong idea about adding coral and fish all willy nilly. They then become those posting "how to get rid of x pest" threads. I try to make a point to explain how I do things when I post any updates just to make a point of protecting your investment. You know that, I know that but the true "noob" sometimes doesnt and will just do as they see. KNow what im sayin? Its like safe sex, unless you make kids aware of the risks and provide education to safer ways of doing things then theyll just do what they see on tv...You get a LOT of views on your thread too!
Thats awesome that you are friends with the lfs and even cooler that they will QT for you! How do they handle that? How sure are you that between QT'ing for the last customer and you that theyve not left any pests untreated? I wish lfs' here would do that type of thing for at least new customers, it would help to spread awareness to all the horrible things that are so common these days. Its the worst part of our hobby thats for sure...
cant wait to see the new stuff!
:wavehand: Chris...
Yes you are right, good quality Top Off system :thumbsup:
Seems to be doing its job well....
No worries Chris..i am glad you had posted those queries...coz this is a good forum to learn and correct mistakes, right?
I outlined my practice, i wouldnt have if you hadnt asked, i hope more people do visit and get some pointers on what we do to keep those treasures we aquire in best of health.
And yes you are absolutely right....someone new into the hobby might feel i am just dumping corals in there...you have a point there. To be honest, i had just assumed these acclimatizing procedures should be the norm with everyone....i might be wrong there!
And i am glad if my thread serves to educate and spread some awareness

There are lots who even after being "educated" just do whats seen on TV :lol2:
One more thing i missed to add...i dim my main LEDs whenever i add new corals to prevent any light shock...
And about the LFS...they only QT corals/fish they import and they dont accept any outside corals/fishes that had been in another tank so that they dont contaminate their systems. They do not have enough space to QT for everyone...but its done to me as a favour...read as for a select few :lol2: Shhhh :strange:
But i really wish it would become a common practice...but its beyond the scope of all LFSs to do this on a large scale.
I will post pics of the sump once its set up and organized....
My new corals are in the DT now and keeping fingers crossed they will do well...
Most of these corals are from huge farms where sea water is circulated to the prop/frag tanks and they are under sunlight with industrial filtration systems. And they arrive from different parts of the world and finally end up in our systems. So some luck do play a role in husbandry of these corals, coz no matter what you do...some perish :sad1:
But i wanna be sure i did my the best in keeping the corals i get happy....reef aquarium hobby is not stress free eh? Hope our wives read this too :lol2:
Cheers Bro :beer: