Yes, the MP40 on the side would be perfect.
Congrats on the new Tunze! Really don't know these pumps but anything that increases random flow within the tank is good, I would say having them on the back (With the MP40 on the side) would be perfect, even maybe on the side pointing at the bottom of the rear section so you can cover that area.
At the end, the ones who will tell you that these pumps are placed correctly are your corals![]()
I sure cant see it! I have read about those guys though and think they would be very cool to have in an established tank where any damage would be negligable. Is it the dark spot to the far left of the colony?
As to the vortech pump, they provide an unmatched type of flow. Its so wide and very powerful. Every sot in the tank is affected by it. THe undertow just drags any detritus in tough to reach spots right out and really there are no dead spots. They are noisy
so be prepared for that. Koralias are great pumps as well and I actually like the flow they provide better along with being silent. Howeevr, they just cant compare powerwise to the vortechs. I think a combination in your setup is gonna be perfect. Good luck and let us know when you get it!
Well, after 10 minutes of starring at the picture, I didn't find him! LOL
More difficult than playing "Where's Waldo".![]()
Glad to see Im not the only one that cant find it! Man, and I have beady little hawk eyes(or so my wife tells me). As to the tunze, If you are trying to use it along with the mp40 then I would say to have it run crossing perpendicular to the votech that way whatever the vortech kicks up, the tunze and other stream pumps can push to the overflow. At least thats what im hoping to do with my tank now that ive decided to go with the one mp40 and return pump only. If I can get away with it, ill only use the return fo rotating waterfrom front to back, top to bottom and back agin in order to get crud over the calfo. THe mp40 will be there to loosen the crud and smack the corals around a little to keep em in line! lol Ill letcha know if it works. If it doesnt, hell im off work, ill take the advice of a member on another site and just paddle the water with my hand!
I see youre done messin with that hair algae! got one of them spikey algae grenades huh? WHen tactical precision cant get the job done, good ol fashioned BOOOM ought to do it! Hope he works out for ya!
its sympodium (sorry for spelling) and its not as bad as cloves or star polyps
Maybe a Blue Green Xenia?
Checkout post #62 last pic,
Looks like clove polyps. Watch it if it is as they tend to get outta hand.
Sweet system!:thumbsup: