BUILDING A DREAM....SPS Dominated Tank build

Parameter Check...

Salinity: 1.025ppt :)
pH: 8.23 - 8.34 (pH controller/Salifert) :)
Alkalinity: 7 dKH (Salifert) :(
Ammonia: undetectable(Red Sea) :)
Nitrites: undetectable(Red Sea) :)
Nitrates: < 5ppm (API) :)
Calcium: 480 ppm (Salifert) :)
Phosphates: < 0.03ppm (Salifert) :)
Magnesium: 1270ppm (Salifert) :) (aiming to get it up to 1350ppm)

My Alk seems to be going down. I am currently dosing 5ml 2 part every 2 days, guess thats not sufficient enough.
So what ya guys it time for me to fire up my Kalk Reactor OR add additive to raise ALK to 8-9 dkh and then start the reactor? I have never used a Kalk Reactor in my previous tanks. This will be my first time.
I havent checked the parameters of my freshly mixed salt water when doing water changes. I feel its a good practice to adjust the parameters of the freshly mixed salt water to recommended levels before doing a water change. Am I correct?

Welcoming suggestions guys...

My Kalkwasser Reactor...To be or not to be...


I'm a huge fan of Kalk as a supplement, once you get a good amount of coral growth it won't be enough alone. I use it with 2 part today and it works well, I add about 6000 ml a day as well as 125 ml of Alk & Calcium. What brand is that Kalk reactor, I don't recognize it.
Auto top up "“ Kalk Dosing Set up"¦

Planning to start up the Kalkwasser Reactor to dose Kalk water to replace evaporated water.

Equipments to be used in the automated dosing set up:
1) Kalkwasser Reactor (SI-AM Ocean)
2) Auto top up system with two float valves (GInkosea)
3) Niveaumat Dosing pump with single float valve (Aquamedic)
4) pH Controller
5) Plastic balloon float valve with an independent direct RO/DI water line

The auto top system has two float valves, one of the float valve is placed slightly higher on the float valve holder as a fail safe mechanism.
The Dosing pump is connected to auto top up system and the float valve of the dosing pump is attached marginally higher to the 2nd float valve of the auto top box. The input of the dosing pump to the RO/DI water reservoir and the output of the dosing pump to the Kalkwasser Reactor (follow the green arrow)
The auto top up system is in turn connected to the pH controller, which is set to switch off power if the pH reaches 8.5

Please refer to diagram"¦


How this works?

The idea of having 3 float valves (2 of the Auto top up system and 1 of the Dosing pump) is to have a fail safe mechanism in case any of the float valve fails.
The pH controller is set to switch off the auto top up system if the pH reaches 8.5, this is to prevent over dosing of Kalk water and prevent a pH spike.
A plastic balloon float valve with an independent direct RO/DI line is attached to the sump and the float will be at the same level as the 1st float valve of the auto top up system - this will take over topping up with RO/DI water direct to sump and maintain water level in case the pH had reached 8.5and the controller cuts the power supply to the auto top up box.

What do ya guys think about this idea?

Suggestions welcome"¦

This is almost identical to the way mine is currently set up. I do just a few things slightly different, so I thought I would throw it out there.

I have my PH controlled to allow my kalk ATO to only turn on when my PH is below 8.1 (my tank PH runs up to 8.4 during daytime)
I have my kalk ATO turn off when my PH gets to 8.3.

By doing this my kalk ATO will only come on at night when my PH drops. I used to have it on a timer also, but found that it was not needed by setting it up this way.

I try to keep my nighttime PH in a more narrow range.
By turning off my kalk ATO at 8.3, I've found that my PH stays more consistant during the entire nighttime period. I stretches the kalk ATO over a longer period of time, instead of shooting my PH up to 8.5 only in the first 3 hours of the night and then dropping to 8.0 the rest of the night.
This will obviously depend on what your tank PH normally runs at.

I like the way you have all the fail safes.
I'm a big fan of running multiple float switches (you actually have float switches) for redundancy. Just the same way you have a float switch on your ATO system and another one on your dosing pump. I also have my PH controller shut off the power to my ATO system and my ATO pump if my PH gets to 8.5 for some reason.
I don't know if your particular controller will also work for this.

Hope my ramblings made sense?

I try to keep my nighttime PH in a more narrow range.
By turning off my kalk ATO at 8.3, I've found that my PH stays more consistant during the entire nighttime period. I stretches the kalk ATO over a longer period of time, instead of shooting my PH up to 8.5 only in the first 3 hours of the night and then dropping to 8.0 the rest of the night.
This will obviously depend on what your tank PH normally runs at.


Thats really good advice!
Dude, with that system, why are you even putting on a leotard(wifes a gymnast! hehe)!? That is one of the nicest kalk maintenece setups Ive seen! Go for it man, nothing to stop you now. Geez I gotta pay better attention...its hard to keep everyones threads straight in my mind! Getting old I guess.

Only thing to deal with now is implementing the system, testing and tweaking. Should keep ya busy for a few days!

Oh and I always forget about smart phones...mines only got a 4th grade education. Wifey and I are going phone shopping today, may end up with one of those fancy phones I guess as its probably all thats available anymore. I swear Im one of the only genx'ers that doesnt have techy toys like that. Hell it took me 3 years to give up my no texting stance! Good luck bud, that system looks idiot proof which sure comes in handy to folks like me!

:D Glad ya like what I thought out. I was thinking it's pretty over the top, but I wanted to fool proof it as much as possible. I had this planned this at the outset itself, but since no one commented on it I thought it was not a good idea.

Getting old aren't we But here in RC we are all only as old as our reef tanks and we can be kids again :D Right!

Why ya took the "no texting" stance? Dont like pushing buttons? :D
So what iPhone did you get...I mean Phone not iPhone. Hope I'm not I'm implying anything. :D
Wow Noob, that's a really thorough ATO/Kalk plan!!

Nice build, with tons of interesting stuff! Should look awesome when mature.

If you don't mind me asking, how much did the ATO cost locally?

Hi Bello :)
Thanks for your kind words.
Glad you like the Kalk plan.

About the ATO it's Ginko Sea (Thailand) I got it for $123.
The float valve holder was custom made by SIAM, based on my idea.

Thanks for stopping by my thread.
Love to see another tank from Thailand here, perhaps i post mine too. But that will be after the great flooding in Thailand is over.

Hi Sittichai
Oops! Im not from Thailand.
But I'm amazed at the great success Thai reefers have got and some truly exceptional reef tanks. I wanna one day visit your beautiful country and see them first hand :)
There are some top quality equipment that's being made in Thailand of which I am a big fan. And Iv made some good friends in your country, Chingchai and Bo

Hoping to see your tank up on RC soon. Hope the flood situation in Thailand will pass over soon and things will be bright and well.
Thanks for dropping by my thread :)
I'm a huge fan of Kalk as a supplement, once you get a good amount of coral growth it won't be enough alone. I use it with 2 part today and it works well, I add about 6000 ml a day as well as 125 ml of Alk & Calcium. What brand is that Kalk reactor, I don't recognize it.

Hola reefkeeps!
Yess so many fans for Kalk.
Kalk is a rockstar :D
Agree with ya, Kalk dosing plus 2 part is the route il be taking when demand grows. Then il be makin a decision to continue with 2 part or balling. That's the future.
My Kalk Reactor is SIAM. Very good build quality.
Thanks for dropping by :)
hell bud, Im sure people just glanced over the professional looking diagram! Hint:me...I promise to only do that seven more times, promise. Wish the kids again thing were right, but it is true when you find a different facet of reefing that interests you and ya dive in head first burnin up google! Makes ya feel like your back in school at least, and youre doing it cause you WANT to...scary!

As to the iphone. Why you suggest it over others? PM me about it. DOnt wanna waste space in your thread.

Youre on the right path with kalk man, the benefits are numerous and its cheap as dirt depending on where you buy your dirt. your automation and failsafes are more than enough to let you sleep at night. I also agree with REEFSMAC in the way he uses his. If I could control kalk the way you can then id use kalk alone at night doing it in graduated steps to keep the ph from shooting all at once, then use your two part throughout the day. You should be able to keep PH nearly even through the entire day while not over or undershooting demand. Should be a slick setup. Hell, your system is one of the most equipment dependant out there, might want to look into a whole house generator or a dedicated one at least to keep all those whistles blowing and bells chiming!

There are apps now for transfer switches that you can turn them on from your phone and get a status update. its cheaper than a full blown auto transfer. Just something to think of. I have one but no smart phone to use with it...thatll change after our pm conversation im sure! lol
This is almost identical to the way mine is currently set up. I do just a few things slightly different, so I thought I would throw it out there.

I have my PH controlled to allow my kalk ATO to only turn on when my PH is below 8.1 (my tank PH runs up to 8.4 during daytime)
I have my kalk ATO turn off when my PH gets to 8.3.

By doing this my kalk ATO will only come on at night when my PH drops. I used to have it on a timer also, but found that it was not needed by setting it up this way.

I try to keep my nighttime PH in a more narrow range.
By turning off my kalk ATO at 8.3, I've found that my PH stays more consistant during the entire nighttime period. I stretches the kalk ATO over a longer period of time, instead of shooting my PH up to 8.5 only in the first 3 hours of the night and then dropping to 8.0 the rest of the night.
This will obviously depend on what your tank PH normally runs at.

I like the way you have all the fail safes.
I'm a big fan of running multiple float switches (you actually have float switches) for redundancy. Just the same way you have a float switch on your ATO system and another one on your dosing pump. I also have my PH controller shut off the power to my ATO system and my ATO pump if my PH gets to 8.5 for some reason.
I don't know if your particular controller will also work for this.

Hope my ramblings made sense?


Excellent idea you have here. Thanks so much for sharing it.
My tank's pH ranges between 8.23-8.34. The lower limit at night time.
Even I was wondering to set the pH controller to stop Kalk dosing when pH reaches 8.4 instead of 8.5
You are spot on with your idea of not letting pH fluctuate too much when dosing at night.
My controller can be set up for a upper limit only. A range cannot be set. Can ya tell me how you are managing ATO/dosing to start when pH reaches 8.1 and stop at 8.3. It would be cool to have a controller which can be set with upper-lower pH range.
I would like my setting to be Kalk ON at 8.2 and Kalk OFF at 8.3
What do ya think?
And oh yeaaaah you are more than welcome to ramble more n more :D
hell bud, Im sure people just glanced over the professional looking diagram! Hint:me...I promise to only do that seven more times, promise. Wish the kids again thing were right, but it is true when you find a different facet of reefing that interests you and ya dive in head first burnin up google! Makes ya feel like your back in school at least, and youre doing it cause you WANT to...scary!

As to the iphone. Why you suggest it over others? PM me about it. DOnt wanna waste space in your thread.

Youre on the right path with kalk man, the benefits are numerous and its cheap as dirt depending on where you buy your dirt. your automation and failsafes are more than enough to let you sleep at night. I also agree with REEFSMAC in the way he uses his. If I could control kalk the way you can then id use kalk alone at night doing it in graduated steps to keep the ph from shooting all at once, then use your two part throughout the day. You should be able to keep PH nearly even through the entire day while not over or undershooting demand. Should be a slick setup. Hell, your system is one of the most equipment dependant out there, might want to look into a whole house generator or a dedicated one at least to keep all those whistles blowing and bells chiming!

There are apps now for transfer switches that you can turn them on from your phone and get a status update. its cheaper than a full blown auto transfer. Just something to think of. I have one but no smart phone to use with it...thatll change after our pm conversation im sure! lol

Hey Chris.
Glad my Kalk plan is workable :)
Yep il be implementing it, in due course. Thanks a lot for your helpful inputs.
Feel the same "back to school" feeling learning new stuff everyday and updating whatever I know about reefing.

Hmm yes my system is getting quite equipment dependant. I really am planning to get a controller for my tank which I can moniter 24/7 online. That's the next agenda :D
When technology is available...abuse it :D
I am leaning towards monitored automation.

I have a dedicated power line for the tank and equipments, installed by an electrician. According to him it should take the load. You have me interested on those power switches which can be turned on by smart phone thingy's. Do pass me more info buddy. :)
Regarding the mobile tech...PM sent :D
Excellent idea you have here. Thanks so much for sharing it.
My tank's pH ranges between 8.23-8.34. The lower limit at night time.
Even I was wondering to set the pH controller to stop Kalk dosing when pH reaches 8.4 instead of 8.5
You are spot on with your idea of not letting pH fluctuate too much when dosing at night.
My controller can be set up for a upper limit only. A range cannot be set. Can ya tell me how you are managing ATO/dosing to start when pH reaches 8.1 and stop at 8.3. It would be cool to have a controller which can be set with upper-lower pH range.
I would like my setting to be Kalk ON at 8.2 and Kalk OFF at 8.3
What do ya think?
And oh yeaaaah you are more than welcome to ramble more n more :D

I think you are on the right track with setting your kalk dosing to turn on at 8.4. I think you will eventually figure out what PH number will work for your setup, to keep the most steady PH range day and night. You will have to experiment. It might work fine with your PH only going between 8.4 and 8.39 all night long, with your controller only controlling the high limit.

My PH drops lower than yours at nightime. Probably because I have CA RX running hard to keep up.
Anyway I have a Neptune controller. I had the AC3 but now have the APEX. Both have allowed me to set my PH between any range, a high and also a low point.

If PH < 8.1 then ATO on
If PH > 8.3 then ATO off

This is the range I've discovered works for my system to keep my PH fairly steady day and night.
Like I said, it will be different with every system. Your system's PH is already more steady than mine.

Just a side note, I've also found that my tank PH now runs higher during the daytime since I began using kalk.
Hey noob. Thanks for your help on the phones. You were too late though, my wife got impatient and ordered the htc evo 4g's.

The transfer switch is used with an electric start generator. When power is lost it will divert full or selected power over to generator. THe problem is, auto transfer switches are expensive but manual ones are priced affordably. Given you have an electrician friend, ask him what hed charge you to hook one up. I know me personally will always take on side work and generators are one of the good ones! No attic or crawlspace! There are some that will send a signal to your phone that the power has been interupted. Im not sure you can control them through your phone but you will at least get a text when you need to scoot home to flip the switch. Autos are by far nicer but again, more cost for something that may not be used often. Here where I live I have a power outage of some length once a week at least with several flashes on and off daily. Its the worst!

Also I noted the same thing as reefsmac that when I was using kalk my daytime ph rose higher than usual just from using the kalk at night. It would stay higher and more even, sometimes being stable enough that the kalk wouldnt come on at night which sucked cause it was my only topoff.
I think you are on the right track with setting your kalk dosing to turn on at 8.4. I think you will eventually figure out what PH number will work for your setup, to keep the most steady PH range day and night. You will have to experiment. It might work fine with your PH only going between 8.4 and 8.39 all night long, with your controller only controlling the high limit.

My PH drops lower than yours at nightime. Probably because I have CA RX running hard to keep up.
Anyway I have a Neptune controller. I had the AC3 but now have the APEX. Both have allowed me to set my PH between any range, a high and also a low point.

If PH < 8.1 then ATO on
If PH > 8.3 then ATO off

This is the range I've discovered works for my system to keep my PH fairly steady day and night.
Like I said, it will be different with every system. Your system's PH is already more steady than mine.

Just a side note, I've also found that my tank PH now runs higher during the daytime since I began using kalk.

Thanks REEF SMAC for your patient explanation.
I totally understand.
My pH being stable I think it's gonna change when the bioload gonna increase.
I am not planning on a calcium reactor for now. So need to figure out the right dosing regimen for my system.
Thanks a lot for sharing your dosing setup/schedule. I could learn from it.
Ahh yes the Neptune controller now I get it how ya setting an upper n lower limit. Me need to get one of em controllers too :D
Hey noob. Thanks for your help on the phones. You were too late though, my wife got impatient and ordered the htc evo 4g's.

The transfer switch is used with an electric start generator. When power is lost it will divert full or selected power over to generator. THe problem is, auto transfer switches are expensive but manual ones are priced affordably. Given you have an electrician friend, ask him what hed charge you to hook one up. I know me personally will always take on side work and generators are one of the good ones! No attic or crawlspace! There are some that will send a signal to your phone that the power has been interupted. Im not sure you can control them through your phone but you will at least get a text when you need to scoot home to flip the switch. Autos are by far nicer but again, more cost for something that may not be used often. Here where I live I have a power outage of some length once a week at least with several flashes on and off daily. Its the worst!

Also I noted the same thing as reefsmac that when I was using kalk my daytime ph rose higher than usual just from using the kalk at night. It would stay higher and more even, sometimes being stable enough that the kalk wouldnt come on at night which sucked cause it was my only topoff.

Hey Mr. and Mrs. Speedy Gonzales!! You sure did get that smart phone fast :D
The HTC Evo is a cool phone. Just make sure it's running in Andriod Gingerbread.
Android has just released the Ice cream sandwich (yes, you read it right that's the name of the firmware!!) firmware, which is an upgraded one with improvements. Had you checked out the samsung galaxy S2 the display is just great.
Enjoy your new phone. It does take some great pics and videos.

I had checked out a wifi enabled power box which could be controlled via Internet. But the Thailand based company not gonna mass produce it, so I left it at that. But that would be cool.
Setting up a generator would be great insurance to investment and peace of mind.
My MP40 ES W, up and running in NTM with a custom short pulse mode.
My impressions:
Very wide flow
Sound mild and heard only when standing close to the dry part.
Configuration much easier than I thought, but I still feel need to fine tune the waves. Haven't tried the auto wave tune mode out.
I'm not getting much surface agitation in NTM. So still using the Korallias. Is surface agitation not noticeable in this mode?

Hey man, yeah she just got on the phone and ordered them...women. Anyhow, again, dont want to clutter the thread with jibberish. Ill pm you, just wanted to reply.
Oh and to your vortech question. It is dependant on how close it is to the top of the tank. If you have it midway down, itll just push and pull water without showing it much on the surface.if you put it up higher itll push a wave across the tank.