Building my Fish Room- (will need lots of help/advice)

Very important question and I'm still having trouble uploading pictures, is there a trick to it?
Anyway.... Do I need to put foam down under my tank before putting it on the stand??? If so, do you cut it to match the glass itself or do you cut it the full size of the bottom frame. Let me know as I'm putting the tank down this weekend. Thanks!
Do you use photobucket? this is the easiest way to upload your pictures.

You need to make sure the bottom of the tank is flat, not inset...
If it is a flat bottom like ours, we just laid the foam on the stand then cut it to the size of your tank. It is much easier this way.
I was told not to put foam under the tank in that if it settles unevenly for some reason it could add stress to your tank and possibly damage it. If your stand is strong with a smooth surface for the tank to sit on, why do you need it?
checking my tank today it has 2 braces on the bottom so I am going to opt to go without foam. looks like the center and edge bracing should be plenty of support. Gotta admit I'm a little nervous about moving this thing down the basement. Should be 5, maybe 6 of us but the thing is a monster. Still working on getting some pics but very short on time this week. I have a 2 year old and a 2 month old that keep me very busy plus I am having the entire family over this weekend for baptism and Monday I'm having arthroscopic surgery on my knee. Doc thinks I tore my ACL, I'm hoping that's not the case. Once I get it in the basement I'll be sure and get pics up somehow. Thanks for following!
It's In!!!

It's In!!!

Got the tank down the basement. Took 4 of us and I think at least 3 of us pulled something. Got knee surgery tomorrow afternoon so will hopefully be able to figure out the picture thing during that time. Gonna be a slow build here for a bit due to money, time, and physical constraints but I'm getting excited!!!
I just found this thread (a year later) when searching for fish room builds and started reading it only to find it was never finished. Did you complete the room?
Long year- little progress

Long year- little progress

I have still been working on the room whenever I get a chance, however 2 kids (1yr and 3yrs) keep me busy, as does the rest of the house. I have, however been purchasing equipment here and there and doing a little work when I get time/money. My dad has taken some measurements and we're going to work on building a new hood that has a little more room. I have the bench for the sump and refugium built and the countertop on, just have to skin it to make it purdy then I can start plumbing. Won't be a ton of real progress until late spring though and by then it will be time to work outside again. My guess is that it will be about this time next year when I actually add water. I just want to make damn sure I'm doing it right. I'm spending the money that I need to when I can. I'm not taking short cuts (Other than buying a used tank). I will try and get some pics up though. I know it makes a big difference to you all. =)
I can certainly understand other responsibilities getting in the way! I also agree with taking your time and doing it right. I was just curious if you finished it and just stopped documenting it in this thread.
Room start

Room start

This was just after I put the flooring down. Wife was pregnant at the time so I did it by myself. Was almost a disaster. It was cut about 1" too long on 2 sides so I actually slid it under the drywall a little. Problem was getting it slid into the right spots when I had the glue down. I was really close to throwing in the towel and starting over but I pushed through. Other than a crack in the concrete floor that shows up through the linoleum a little it turned out pretty darn good.


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