Bulkhead fitting help


New member
So I just bought this tank for water storage. I need to close off the bottom bulkhead. Anyone have any idea where to find what I need? It is a female 1 1/4". Thanks


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Home Depot, Lowe’s or menards in your area or of course Amazon or online plumbing supplier should have what you need. Should be a common part.
I'll check the big boxes again but don't recall seeing anything that large. This fitting is threaded and most PVC that size I see are slip. But I'll look. Thanks.
I would not just close it off, I'd install a plastic faucet. Should not be all that hard to do. This will be valuable to clean out gunk and dust from the bottom, which you will get, and fill containers, etc. If you place it on a stand a few feet off the floor, you'll get some pressure to possibly run a hose from it.
I would not just close it off, I'd install a plastic faucet. Should not be all that hard to do. This will be valuable to clean out gunk and dust from the bottom, which you will get, and fill containers, etc. If you place it on a stand a few feet off the floor, you'll get some pressure to possibly run a hose from it.

^^^This, x 1000^^^

When I set my 55g barrel up, I purposely turned it upside down so that the bung holes are at the bottom. I then just plumbed pvc from one of them to my mixing/refill pump with a couple valves and a "T" fitting to return it to the (now) top of the barrel. For a lid I just cut 1/2 of the (now) top off and hinged it back on using nylon screws and sections of milk jugs as the "hinges".