Butterflytown - 240 FOWLR

I would guess 7 or 8 inches.

I wish that spot on his side would clear up. I think that stupid semilarvatus keeps picking at it. I may need to get him into a QT to heal up. I'm not completely sure what causes that skin condition. It's happened when he's been alone before, so i'm not convinced it's a wound caused by a fish.

I missed out on a chance to get a golden recently and am kind of kicking myself. Not sure the two would co-exist, but I think the color contrast would be awesome. Of course I am a steelers fan...
I missed out on a chance to get a golden recently and am kind of kicking myself. Not sure the two would co-exist, but I think the color contrast would be awesome. Of course I am a steelers fan...

I dunno, they get REALLY big. I mean, that thing could take off a butterfly's face in a bite, while accidentally going after the same piece of food, no?
I have the same fears about my dog face. I actually have seen that exact thing happen with a yellow tang and a melegris. Probably better I didn't get it in retrospect.

The yellow tang survived btw.
Thanks, I'm considering adding three more at some point. My plan was to have 5 total.

I also want to add a Declivis, mitratus, a shoal of anthias as well as a couple of mystery fish not to be named.
Video looks great, quite an impressive collection!
I agree with Peter the pyramids look nice, makes me want to get some...
Can't say on the mystery fish, it's going to be a while anyway. I can say that one is an angel and one is a tang...

You know all the butterflies I want but can't find.
So...I'm moving the large Regal to my DT today. I'm not concerned for the new fish, though I could see my Achilles being a punk. I'm more worried about the little regal that's been in there for some time.

Also, I added a Swabbie over the holidays, looking forward to seeing how this thing affects my skimmer.
So...I'm moving the large Regal to my DT today. I'm not concerned for the new fish, though I could see my Achilles being a punk. I'm more worried about the little regal that's been in there for some time.

Also, I added a Swabbie over the holidays, looking forward to seeing how this thing affects my skimmer.

I added a reef octopus head cleaner 4 months ago, and with great results; it sure beats the heck out of my old method which was using a rubber spatula. I went 2 months without cleaning my neck, but it was a stinky mess when I finally pulled the lid to clean the head cleaner; imagine that"¦:eek2: It's probably a better idea to clean it at least monthly.
Things went rather swimmingly with the Regal introduction. The Achilles was the expected jerk face, but after a couple hours, the Regal got tired of taking crap and actually turned on him.

It didn't eat yesterday, but started eating food this morning when I fed them. I'm planning a WC this afternoon/evening and might take a video later if I have time.

Things went rather swimmingly with the Regal introduction. The Achilles was the expected jerk face, but after a couple hours, the Regal got tired of taking crap and actually turned on him.

Good to hear!
Good news and bad news.

I'm going to have to remove Mr. puff for a period of time. I had the opportunity to watch my tank for quite a long time and noticed several of my butterflies picking at the wound on his side. I have a feeling that is why it's taken so long to heal.

On the positive side, my two Regals are getting along quite well and are actually starting to act like a pair.
Sorry to hear about the puffer :( . Butterflies are known to be VERY picky at things (sharks, rays) so I guess maybe this isn't too surprising.

Glad the regals are doing well. That new guy is a stunner! Now I miss mine :-/