Butterflytown - 240 FOWLR

I'm considering adding some anthias in the near future. I love ventralis, but am not sure if they would be a good fit. Anyone have opinions on this? Recommended numbers?

Also would like a shoal of Randall's and Dispar. Was thinking about a dozen total. Is that a bad or good combination?
I'm considering adding some anthias in the near future. I love ventralis, but am not sure if they would be a good fit. Anyone have opinions on this? Recommended numbers?

Also would like a shoal of Randall's and Dispar. Was thinking about a dozen total. Is that a bad or good combination?

tank is looking good!

in the past had a trio of bartletts that did very well and were really nice looking. a friend has a squarespot that is beautiful and very hardy also.
I'm considering adding some anthias in the near future. I love ventralis, but am not sure if they would be a good fit. Anyone have opinions on this? Recommended numbers?

Also would like a shoal of Randall's and Dispar. Was thinking about a dozen total. Is that a bad or good combination?

I guess it depends on your system. I personally wouldn't go with small species like dispar... just don't like the thought of dumping tiny foods into my FOWLR. It gets messy enough. My fish are also used to eating from my hand, or from the floor (pellets, clams, etc). The thought of broadcast feeding smaller foods with no corals or bristleworms or amphipods to eat the leftovers doesn't sit well with me. But, systems not withstanding, I'd go with a larger species, like redstripes.
I'm making a mess as it is at the moment. That big regal needs a lot of food spread out to make sure he gets enough good. Not as tidy as feeding by hand, which most of my fish are used to.

I'm considering starting with 6 bartletts and seeing how that goes.
I'd go with lyretails instead. Bartletts tend to all turn male, and then not get along. They also tend to go pale in color over time... all IME.
The orange with blue eyes of the female lyre tails (Maldives I believe) is quite impressive. I almost like them better than the males.
Got my new guys, ended up skipping the Anthias.

Nothing too exciting, C. Collare and Coradion Altivelis, hanging out in my quarnatine system with a tiny Racoon I got as a gift for my brother in law. The resident Multifasciatus is not too happy about his new neighbors.

I have some pretty interesting butterflies becoming available including a Truncated and a Scythe. Also rumors of a Flavocoronatus, I'm trying to nail down the country of origin to be sure. I don't really have quarantine room or money for these though at the moment.

Anybody tried to keep a scythe (prognathodes falcifer) in temperatures around 72 F?
I was excited to see it become available. Did yours start eating pretty easily. Mine seems a bit reclusive and not interested in food quite yet.

I'm going to feed a clam tomorrow and hope that does the trick.
I've seen the scythe when I was in Japan and it was eating pellets and frozen. Didn't seem like a hard fish to keep. The store had a pair with other tropical fish so I assume that the temp wouldn't be too low.
Any pointers on food, still reluctant to eat.

I've had 2 over the years. Both ate fairly quickly but only fresh seafood.
Chopped raw shrimp and chopped raw scallops were what they ate initially.
I would also try chopped clams since my current one loves that. The one I have now also loves (hakari jumbo) frozen bloodworms. Next would be Larrys fish frenzy. Doesn't go for PE or typical frozens with nearly as much enthusiasm. Has never eaten dry or nori.

I wasn't bit by the fish bug back then (this is back in middle school-early high school) so I didn't pay attention to price. I was at the shop with a friend and his dad. Sorry.

It did have a huge sign stating that it was super rare on the tank so I would assume it wouldn't be cheap.

Though some fish are cheaper in Japan than here. For example, Centropyge interruptus here is in the thousands plus. My friend overseas said they saw some for sale at around 700 USD.

My red sea bannerfish was 128 USD but over in Japan, they're typically around 70-90 USD

So you just never know..

Was it for sale? Do you recall the price of so?
Matt, where you thinking of importing from Japan?
I believe that even if it was cheaper, you'll need to purchase a permit to import fish and on top of that, they need to be inspected at the airport by a government agent (broker) with high fees.

I've heard that the permit is very expensive.

Was it for sale? Do you recall the price of so?