Butterflytown - 240 FOWLR

Thanks, I'll try to put up another video later this week.

I'm getting kanaplex tomorrow or Friday for the Arabian. It actually looks like the infection is clearing on its own though.

Once that has cleared, I'm going to start cupramine.
Thanks for the well wishes.

Everything seems to be doing well, I need to stop buying fish though. Tentatively have some things coming tomorrow.

I started Kanaplex several days ago on the Arabian, today was the third and final dose. I don't think there is much improvement, but prior starting the kanaplex, the swelling near the infection seemed to have decreased.

The Arabian still eats well, but it's having trouble competing with the heniochus in its tank, so I'm going to do some rearranging of fish this afternoon. It's started eating more free floating stuff, but definitely prefers the food in a clam. It's all about presentation with this guy.

After I get some water changes done and get all the new fish settled in, I'll post some videos - will probably be Thursday or maybe even Friday, busy end of the work week.
Baby Blueline came in today, along with a footballer damselfish and tiger wardi goby.

Everybody looks decent, the Blueline is tiny, less than 1.5". I'll try for a video tomorrow.

Arabian still has the sore on its pelvic fin, may dip it again to see if I get any flukes. So far kanaplex and erithromyacin have not touched it. Not really sure how to proceed. Appetite is still good though.
Can't wait for the video update. I wonder if you just gave the Arabian a healthy diet and time the sore would go away, since the swelling decreased prior to the kanaflex.
I think wild, not completely sure though. What did you start feeding yours? This thing is tiny, I'm hoping it goes after the smaller sized particles of Fish Frenzy.
Mine ate everything from day one, including pellets. I really like Ocean Nutrition small pellets... most fish take to them very quickly.
There is a decent shot of the infection around the 14 - 15 second mark on the first video. Shows up better on my phone than the website.
Worth mentioning, I received the Arabian on July 9th. That makes a full month in captive care for me so far.

Hope I can say the same thing on September 9th.

2 months, going strong. Still has the redness, I think it's dwindling though.

Blueline is making me nervous, not doing a lot of eating.

That Arabian is starting to look, dare I say it, fat!

I definitely don't think it's lost any weight. It's still not an efficient eater, but it's definitely getting food.

It totally knows when I'm going to feed it because it goes nuts when I open my freezer door across from the tank.

On a sad note, I think I've lost my smallest venustus angel. I think the bigger two former an actual pair and may have killed the smaller one. I never witnessed any aggression, but I haven't seen it in a few days and it was always out and about.

Plan to start actually treating these fish as soon as I feel comfortable with the blue lines appetite, Hopefully in the next week or so. I'm targeting October for adding these fish to the display tank.

If everything goes to plan, I'll be adding a lemonpeel angel, Blueline angel,
two semilarvatus, the Arabian, my anulatta damsel and hopefully Mrs. Puff. I'll also be removing the current semilarvatus.