Butterflytown - 240 FOWLR

Good to hear, I'm feeding strictly soft foods, LRS.

Yeah, I kind of thought the Wiebeli should be cheap too, but I suppose it's a supply and demand issue. When was the last one you saw offered for sale in the U.S.? I just don't think they make it out of Japan to our market.

While I agree they haven't been offered here, that shouldn't make them expensive. In my years, I've seen ignitus anthias become a regular sale, and not more expensive. Even white capped gobies.... at least they are expensive because they are hard to catch.... IMO if enough people wanted Wiebeli BF's, they would be had at a regular price.... maybe Kevin Kohen can chime in on this?
While I agree they haven't been offered here, that shouldn't make them expensive. In my years, I've seen ignitus anthias become a regular sale, and not more expensive. Even white capped gobies.... at least they are expensive because they are hard to catch.... IMO if enough people wanted Wiebeli BF's, they would be had at a regular price.... maybe Kevin Kohen can chime in on this?

So are you saying you would buy one? That would make two sales in the U.S. Help a couple guys out Kevin!!!

The closes thing i've seen was something offered by NyAquatic a couple years ago, but it wasn't a Weibeli.
Auripes and Nippon are most commonly available, but for some reason not Wieblei. I will work with a few folks to try and procure some Wiebeli if the opportunity presents itself.

Auripes and Nippon are most commonly available, but for some reason not Wieblei. I will work with a few folks to try and procure some Wiebeli if the opportunity presents itself.


Thanks Kevin! :cool:
Auripes and Nippon are most commonly available, but for some reason not Wieblei. I will work with a few folks to try and procure some Wiebeli if the opportunity presents itself.


Hey Kevin,

That would be one heck of a thing. Dayton Ohio say hello, btw.

Curious to know if you have a feeling for the price range.


Hey Kevin,

That would be one heck of a thing. Dayton Ohio say hello, btw.

Curious to know if you have a feeling for the price range.




So cool to have Kevin acting as point on this and to still see him doing what has made DD/LA many of our default LFS.

Following and wishing you every success. Great to see you doing this. I admire your courage. Lol, the Arabian, I drool over that fish.
If I can do anything to assist, let me know!

Best of luck,

Hey Ted,

I'm hopeful Kevin can come through here, I don't have near the connections you do, but I know a few people, and it sounds like these fish are just not imported to the states often.

The Arabian is trying, not having success so far, but time will tell. Are you familiar with a product called mastic? Think it's sold on Amazon. I'm going to try that soon I think, it's a gel that you have to mix up.

Hope you and the tank are doing well.

how is the Moorish idol?

I want to try one again but they tend to just stop eating and get skinny.

Mine is doing well, eats like a pig. I am feeding the tank heavily to try and fatten him up. He's gaining girth on the underside near his pelvic fins, but still isn't filling out up top. I figure it will take time.

He gets a diet of LRS and Julian Sprung Sea Veggies. And the occasional clams.

Here is a video of the Declivis, Semilarvatus and Golden Puffer. Everyone is doing well.

I'm acclimating the P. Ocellatus currently.

are you qt ing with prazi + copper?

Unfortunately my rainfordi pair died from brook. I was hesitant to treat them because they were eating pellets aggressively.
Sorry to hear about the Rainfordi, one of my favorite fish for sure.

I would typically treat with Cupramine and Prazi. I'm not sure what my plan is going to be here honestly, specifically because that Declivis is so tiny and puffers typically don't like copper. I did treat my black dog face in copper without issue, but this fish is almost twice the cost, so I'm a little skiddish on the copper.

Where did the brook come from?
bza. brand new qt tank

Sorry to hear about the Rainfordi, one of my favorite fish for sure.

I would typically treat with Cupramine and Prazi. I'm not sure what my plan is going to be here honestly, specifically because that Declivis is so tiny and puffers typically don't like copper. I did treat my black dog face in copper without issue, but this fish is almost twice the cost, so I'm a little skiddish on the copper.

Where did the brook come from?
bza. brand new qt tank

Hadn't they been in quarantine for a while? Did you add something new from BZA that introduced the Brook? Or did it just manifest itself after some time?

I've never dealt with brook before thankfully, but it's my understanding that fish typically come down with the symptoms shortly after it's introduced. Could be wrong though.

Sucks either way.
Hadn't they been in quarantine for a while? Did you add something new from BZA that introduced the Brook? Or did it just manifest itself after some time?

I've never dealt with brook before thankfully, but it's my understanding that fish typically come down with the symptoms shortly after it's introduced. Could be wrong though.

Sucks either way.

It came down in like 2 weeks.
I noticed that copper and furan seem like very useful drug.

They were the only fish in qt

After treating my current fish, their appetite go up.
It came down in like 2 weeks.
I noticed that copper and furan seem like very useful drug.

They were the only fish in qt

After treating my current fish, their appetite go up.

So had you treated with copper prior to the brook development? Which product are you using?

I'm going to dip the declivis tonight, looks like she's got a fluke on her tail. Will be starting prazi if that's the case.
No, I started treating my current butterflies because the Auriga developed a sore. This happened after 2 months of observation.

I tank transferred them and then observed them. I didn't use chemicals on them because my in my past experience ( treatment + ttm) is too much.

The rainfordi were never treated, because I was focused on getting them to eat.
With rainfordi, I think its up to the individual. sometimes, they eat every well. In other shipments they never eat. 50% chance getting one that is eating.