I have good news also.
I received my Chaetodon kleini and mertensii on Wednesday. I got them from DD.....a little on the expensive side but if they both survive, it will be worth it considering the losses I have experienced in the past. Both looked good. I Opened one of the bags and there was water between the inner and outer bags. I checked the salinity and it matched my QT. So, I floated the bag in the QT for 30 minutes. I then removed the bag from the QT and cut it open. I took a 2 gallon bucket and tilted it on its side so the waterfall would be reduced. I then netted the fish and put it in the QT.
I keep wild caught shrimp and scallops as a food source. The scallops have this really strong smell. So I shaved a few pieces off of the scallop. I mixed it with a little tank water. I use a dropper to put a small amount of the water in the tank. You could tell from how they were acting that they sensed food. When I put the pieces of scallop in the tank, it took them about a minute to find it but they both went after it.
Thursday morning I did the same thing and got the same results. Thursday afternoon, as soon as they saw me, they were at the glass waiting on dinner.
The kleini is half the size of the mertensii, but he is turning out to be the bully at feeding time.
I plan on doing a gallon water change every day. I am using my DT water as the source. I plan on waiting about a week before I do any kind of treatment. I think I have an idea for setting up a biological filter similar to Matt's. I saw that in his video. Thanks for putting that up there.
Do the butterflies tolerate copper and prazi? Would you recommend both of these?
Thanks for your assistance.
I do have a build thread. The name is "Another Reef in the Desert". Thanks for asking.
A few more questions...... What test kit do you use for Copper? the test kit I had has expired. I was thinking about getting the Hanna.
Have you ever tried those ceramic balls? I was doing some research and they seem to have a huge amount of surface area. When I start up my QT, I have three tanks running. If I get another larger tank for QT, my better half will not be happy.
On another note. I tried something different yesterday morning. I took some flake food and soaked it with a few drops of Selcon. The kleini went right after it. The mertansii did not care for it. So, I target fed some pieces of shrimp. It was so funny. One of the pieces was too large. They were snatching if from each other. they would also play tug-of-war with it like a couple of dogs. It was hilarious to watch. How often do you feed your butterflies? Currently I am feeding twice a day. I plan on waiting a week before I start any kind of treatment.
Thanks Lalo J.
I have had very poor luck so far with the livestock I have purchased. I was using my local Fist Store. I wanted to "Buy Local". It seems that everything I got from them had some kind of parasite. They swear that they keep their tanks treated with copper. The last time I went there, I say a couple of dead fish and one poor Tang was covered with ich. So.....no more purchases from them.
Enough for now.
Hey Dean,
I use the seachem test kit for Cupramine, I don't really like it, but it's the only one I've ever used.
I haven't used the ceramic rings, but I've heard good things about them. I'm not sure if they absorb the copper more compared to the plastic bioballs, it seems like they might.
Glad to hear the fish are eating well, DD usually provides quality livestock.
The flavirostris is not really progressing as well as I'd prefer. I need to get some PE mysis to try, maybe I'll pick some up tomorrow.
He's nipping at the clams, but I'm not sure he's ingesting much.
Really hoping your flavi comes through. I tried one of the tiny ones DD had a little while, back. Never ate... died in about 10 days... small BF's like that just can't go that long.
Hey congrats on having a $500 yellow tang, BTW![]()
So I had an unexpected problem yesterday. I noticed that the kleini was acting a little strange. My ammonia test kit had expired, so I went to Pecto and bought a new one. I tested the water and it was at 4.0ppm!. I tested my Display Tank and it tested Zero. So I grabbed a net and caught the two butterflies and put them in my display tank. I hope they are not carrying and disease or pathogens. The only thing I can think of is the bacteria on that piece of live rock must have started to die off. I was only feeding a very small amount. I would have never thought that would have happened. Have you had any experience like that? It wasn't too long after I put them in the tank that they were swimming around and picking at the live rock. I hope that their gills were not damaged.
Here is a picture of them.
I'd avoid the Chaetodon pelewensis........they can be very difficult to get to eat and don't really have good long term success.
On the other hand Chaetodon punctatofasciatus is super easy and will eat anything thrown in the tank.
It has been a week now since I got the Kleini and Mertensii. After that ammonia spike, I was afraid that their gills may have been damaged. But they are breathing normally and they are eating well. Every time I enter the room where my Display Tank is, they are at the glass wanting to be fed. I am feeding them twice a day. No signs of illness, pests or disease. I am wanting to add two or three more butterflies. I am looking at Heniochus singularis, Chaetodon rafflesi , Chaetodon decussatus, Chaetodo punctatofasciatus or the Chaetodo pelewensis. Do you have any concerns with any of these?
The dusky continues to hang around, it nips at brine occasionally and seems interested in food in the water column when I feed initially.
I definitely don't have the feeding response I need yet though. Plan to try live clams and shaved scallops this week and hopefully some newly arrived LRS fish frenzy.
I'm currently feeding reef frenzy and it does not have the black worms
In it. I think those are a difference maker for a lot of fish.
It has been a week now since I got the Kleini and Mertensii. After that ammonia spike, I was afraid that their gills may have been damaged. But they are breathing normally and they are eating well. Every time I enter the room where my Display Tank is, they are at the glass wanting to be fed. I am feeding them twice a day. No signs of illness, pests or disease. I am wanting to add two or three more butterflies. I am looking at Heniochus singularis, Chaetodon rafflesi , Chaetodon decussatus, Chaetodo punctatofasciatus or the Chaetodo pelewensis. Do you have any concerns with any of these?
Hi Matt!
You may want to try Easy Masstick fish food. I believe Matt Pederson has used it with some success.
I won't help with the water column feed training but it at least can get them eating.