I know marine slolutions sells it but they have weird hours and Cesar's creek area isn't exactly a 30 min trip for me... I will have to stock up at the spring swap I guess
Well I think I'm going to move the rest of my fish into the DT today.... I had planned to do it in two more phases over the next month, but that new regal is huge and just isn't coexisting with the multi bars well and I need the tank space to separate them.
I'm a bit nervous about taxing my display tank with a big increase in bio load, but I think it's the only option I've got. Luckily I have a huge skimmer. I'm just going to stay on top of water changes, more so than normal.
On the plus side, I'll have all my fish in the display tank.:worried:
There is another place I won't mention in Moraine, they may have a few packs of it. If you want to wait a month or so, I'll email Larry about doing a group buy between you and I, not sure what his minimums are though.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. That skimmer looks like it can handle things in *cough* angeltown *cough, cough*![]()
Haha yes I know that place... John is a ***** and they hardly carry the stuff as it is. I can't stand walking into that place with unhealthy fish and at least a 100% markup on livestock
Everybody is moved, I'll take some pictures today or tomorrow, maybe a video too. Much closer to butterfly town now, but my current quarantine inhabitants will quickly change that once they're added.
I'm hopeful the skimmer and water changes will mitigate any shock to the biological filter.
Don't truthfully know. I think he has a policy of not shipping directly to customers, but I think his website says that if there aren't any options locally that he'll work with you.
I know red has bought directly from him before and Larry is a great guy to work with. I would imagine that if the order was big enough, he'd do it.
Yes I can. You don't have a puffer or a trigger. At least butterflies take small bites.