Butterflytown - 240 FOWLR

That is definitely true. I jumped on him right away. Shortly after, another smaller one came up for sale and it lasted several days. I think they are usually around 129.99 retail.
liking the puffer personally!!

He's definitely my boys favorite.

Unfortunately, he's been plagued with some kind of skin disease for the last year or so. Initially I thought it was related to copper, but he definitely had a small outbreak when he wasn't in copper too, so i'm not really sure what causes it. He essentially develops a spot where it appears to the top layer of skin erodes away and a bright white patch is left.

I was so distraught the first time it happened and didn't know what to do to fix it. Each time it's happened he's ended up healing in time, so i'm hopeful the same thing happen again.
Good news bad news update on the multibars.

Multibar #1, which was picking at brine from the beginning Is eating live brine very well. I'm hopeful that I can get his feeding response to be strong and then transition him to frozen brine and mysis.

Multibar #2, which has never shown interest in foods, continues to not show interest. Additionally, the red streak just below the dorsal has reddened and it appears there is a small open wound above its fore head where the streak begins. I have dosed NFG powder, but I'm not sure of its effectiveness against whatever this issue is.
Here is a quick video of my new regal eating some Larry's reef Frenzy.

He's got a couple marks on his side, which don't appear to be getting worse but aren't exactly getting better either. I have a water change and another round of NFG powder planned this weekend.

For size reference, those are 3" PVC fittings.

Ok, so apparently the video didn't work with photobucket. I'll try to figure out how to post on youtube later this afternoon, my apologies.
Haha that's exactly what I was thinking Matt! Peter could you dumb it down for those of us with learning disabilities?:D


When you "share" a youtube video.... after the network name, there is an alphanumeric code. Just put that between the [] youtube tags.
Quick update:

I lost the multi bar angel that wouldn't eat. It developed an infection early on and eventually developed pop eye as well. I treated with two rounds of NFG powder and that had no effect so I used a round of Maracyn as well, also to no avail. Hate losing fish.

The good news though is that both the large regal and the other multi bar are doing very well. They are currently seperated, though i'm considering moving them together for the prazi and cupramine treatments.

I''ll get a video of each up later tonight probably.

The display tank is clicking right along. The achilles is starting to be a pain, mostly to the Flavirostris and mostly at night.

The Starcki does not seem to care for my Venustus Angel Trio. It's early, but they may end up in a tank of their own down the road, I'd really like to try my hand at breeding at some point.

Everything else seems good. One concern I do have is that occasionally, several of my fish will approach my cleaner shrimp and want a cleaning. Do healthy fish do this or only fish with a parasite issue? I get paranoid sometimes.
Healthy fish will do it. If it is a constant thing, though, I'd maybe observe the fish more closely to make sure all is well. Unknown things can slip through QT and into DT's... I know, trust me.
Healthy fish will do it. If it is a constant thing, though, I'd maybe observe the fish more closely to make sure all is well. Unknown things can slip through QT and into DT's... I know, trust me.

I know, hence my paranoia. I have no idea what I would do if there was a parasite out break. I've got a couple tanks set up, but not enough to house and treat everyone.

I guess I'll worry about that if it comes to it. I'm planning to add some more snails this week (exciting I know), think I'll probably do TT on then.