Buying a CLEANUP CREW KIT and I want to cherry pick more... advice please


Will work for fish
Hi guys, I have a 70g and I'm getting my algae growth so I'm ready for a cleanup crew. Thank is about a month and a half old now.

I'm ordering from REEFCLEANERS online. I'm trying to save on shipping so I'd like to get anything additional you guys recommend from them.

Or if I do get this kit are there any additional you think I should add in conjunction?

I'm leaning towards just keeping the kit stock and then seeing how things play out over the next month. It appears right now I'm just seeing diatoms on the rock and surface of sand.
I personal don't like that clean up crew. I don't like cerith or nerites very much. First they are so tiny and second then tend to die very fast. 78 of anything to mean means they are either going to die or don't each much

10 nassarious is ok

I personally would get
2 Mexican turbo snails
10 trochus snails
If you like hermits
3 red legged scarlet hermits
I found the trochus will actually breed in your aquarium and you won't have to keep buying them to replenish

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I also always pass on the nerites and cerith snails. I'm actually about to order a crew, nassarius, turbos, hermits, and a few emeralds.
I also always pass on the nerites and cerith snails. I'm actually about to order a crew, nassarius, turbos, hermits, and a few emeralds.

Which site have you had luck with?

I'm in Ca, so I was thinking live aquaria would be my best bet since its in Ca
I'll run counter and say that I think the nerites are pretty (and decent sized imo) and the Florida ceriths are great fun to watch doing acrobatics with their giant booties. I don't know that they're very effective, although the nerites seem to do fairly well.

The nassarius vibex are great and an awesome party trick to show off to people.

I've got 2 turbos, and I won't get any more. Their poops are big and unsightly, and I occasionally have to flip them back over. If I don't see them for a few days I start to worry they've died inside a rock somewhere, and they're large enough I worry about them being stuck decomposing inside of the rock.

I'd skip the dwarf ceriths. When I was researching my reefcleaners order, I read a lot of complaints about them always being on top of the sand bed during the day, and it just being kind of unsightly, which at the quantity in the package is easy to imagine.

If you are doing a live order (* shipping), I would get an emerald crab, an urchin, a fuzzy chiton, and maybe the limpets, but that's because I love biodiversity, and you can get a lot of bang for your bioload with inverts!
I'll run counter and say that I think the nerites are pretty (and decent sized imo) and the Florida ceriths are great fun to watch doing acrobatics with their giant booties. I don't know that they're very effective, although the nerites seem to do fairly well.

The nassarius vibex are great and an awesome party trick to show off to people.

I've got 2 turbos, and I won't get any more. Their poops are big and unsightly, and I occasionally have to flip them back over. If I don't see them for a few days I start to worry they've died inside a rock somewhere, and they're large enough I worry about them being stuck decomposing inside of the rock.

I'd skip the dwarf ceriths. When I was researching my reefcleaners order, I read a lot of complaints about them always being on top of the sand bed during the day, and it just being kind of unsightly, which at the quantity in the package is easy to imagine.

If you are doing a live order (* shipping), I would get an emerald crab, an urchin, a fuzzy chiton, and maybe the limpets, but that's because I love biodiversity, and you can get a lot of bang for your bioload with inverts!

Hey dread captain what do you mean exactly bioload diversity and bang for your buck for bioload w/ inverts? Sounds very intriguing but I don't think I know too much about that topic. THanks!
I just mean that it's possible for you to add more types of critters without adding much overhead to the tank. For the most part, you don't do any additional feeding for inverts, which means you aren't adding anything to the tank that wouldn't already be there (unlike fish, which you have to constantly feed).

'Big' brains, spinal columns, and skeletons also require more energy to maintain. Higher energy need = more food = more poop = more bioload in the tank.
Ah makes a lot of sense. I'll build my own pack and see what I come up with. Trochus have been something I always eyed but seem to be hard to come by w/ LFS.