Ca Reactor up n running


One Happy Reefer
Finally rec'd my new AquariumPlants Regulator with LCD digital readout. It is as its advertised, the most precise regulator out there! I'm running a Deltec PF 601. Set it at 32 bubbles/min. Also I'm using an aqua lifter as the delivery pump. I will ck my parameters in a couple of days.


Love that bubble counter!!!
If I ever decide to go with a cal. reactor, this is exactly the equipment set-up I would go with.
nice...I think when my Milwaukee craps out I'm going with one of those plant regulators too..they are a great piece.
Agh! Ca 470 Alk 13.8 Mg 1440

Current bubble rate is 32 bubbles/min
Effluent rate is by an Aqualifter 3.5 gal/hr
I need to ck the pH of the Effluent

For now, I will test in the AM, then do a water change, and possibly stop the Ca Reactor until I settle down the parameters.
do you have the ph on that thing you have the apex.... if not we can build a effluent cup for you that measures the PH my reactor has the built in ph probe in the first chamber... its the best way IMO to do it
do you have the ph on that thing you have the apex.... if not we can build a effluent cup for you that measures the PH my reactor has the built in ph probe in the first chamber... its the best way IMO to do it

I too have a pH probe slot in my reactor chamber. I do have to set it up. What pH do you shut off your reactor?
I too have a pH probe slot in my reactor chamber. I do have to set it up. What pH do you shut off your reactor?

well iam using the fine arm media... outlet is on at 7.10 turns off when it goes down to 6.8... which media are you using?? different ones dissolve at different PH... and i also dont have a high demand once i do i might have to lower that 7.10 to 6.9 so my media is at a lower PH and dissolves faster... let me know when your gonna set it up ill try to come by and give you a hand if you need it
Man I've had my.whole reactor setup in my basement ready to go just don't have the balls to set it up.I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up and kill every thing lol maybe some day someone can help, me.out and I can set it up
Man I've had my.whole reactor setup in my basement ready to go just don't have the balls to set it up.I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up and kill every thing lol maybe some day someone can help, me.out and I can set it up

set it up when u dont have to work for a few days, this way u can be around if the crap hits the fan.
IMO i dont see why people are scared to use the cal reactor i set mine up about a month ago and i have had no problems at all i set up PH started at 26 bubbles a min and a a drip every sec some do a drip every 5 sec just to be safe i also set my PH in the chamber high due to the media not dissolving so fast... like everything else in this happy just gotta take it slow till this day i dont have my reactor right on but its only bc i am making really small changes at a time...
Man I've had my.whole reactor setup in my basement ready to go just don't have the balls to set it up.I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up and kill every thing lol maybe some day someone can help, me.out and I can set it up

Chuckbuc what kind of reactor do you have??
well iam using the fine arm media... outlet is on at 7.10 turns off when it goes down to 6.8... which media are you using?? different ones dissolve at different PH... and i also dont have a high demand once i do i might have to lower that 7.10 to 6.9 so my media is at a lower PH and dissolves faster... let me know when your gonna set it up ill try to come by and give you a hand if you need it

Thanks Bro,

Please let me know when you have some time available.

In the meantime I ck'd my SG which was 1.027, changed out 5 gals of Sw for FW, and stopped the reactor.
Thank you Mike for the below info...,

"Many of us just drip the CR effluent drip directly into our systems, sump etc..the problem is we don't know that something is wrong with the reactor until we test the tank and realize the cal or alk is that time damage can be done to our corals etc. ...what I did, and have been using for many years, is use a small cup in which the efflunt drips into and placed a PH probe inside this way I can monitor the PH directly comming out of the CR. Also by dripping it at a higher level the PH can go up alittler higher before entering the system. Now I know, before any changes in my tank, that the CR is working correctly. A cheap reliable way of monitoring the CR. For example the PH in my cup is 7.0 and I know that my parameters in my tank are good..if the PH moves up or down I can make the adjustments before anything happens in the tank and we all know that as the media is being used or the pressure in the Co2 tank falls the bubble count as well as the drip can be effected...also the lines can be clogged etc...hopefully this can help others...."
MikeNY 2/6/11

I have an mtc duel chamber .with a milwaukee ref and I'm gonna use my reef keeper to monitor the ph .hope I'm not making ur thread doc .