Calcium reactor ph

Rogers ph numbers are good safe numbers. Different media melts crazy at different ph levels. 6.5 using certain media sources will completely milk the reactor chamber in only a few hours. I agree with starting high and bring it down as needed.
I will call u. I think i have ur number still...i called no answer.

Turn the co2 off in the reactor right away. Test every day till levels get back to where u want to keep them. Then turn co2 back on but with a higher ph or a slower effluent. It easier to make adjustmenta if u only change effluent or ph. If u change both its very hard to dial in.

What r u running ur ph at in the reactor?
Are u uaing a controller?
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kinda why I asked what your effluent rate was vs reactor pH. If your running alot of effluent at a pretty low pH in chamber, this is the result.
Actually currently it's kinda low ~50ml/min

something don't add up if your at 50ml/min with pH in reactor of 6.7 and only dumping 12dKH into the 265 gallons. Either there is no demand or some reading is maybe "misleading".

I have mine set at basically the same but at 6.5 pH and things really stable in the 300. (my effluent is much higher alk although).

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something don't add up if your at 50ml/min with pH in reactor of 6.7 and only dumping 12dKH into the 265 gallons. Either there is no demand or some reading is maybe "misleading".

I have mine set at basically the same but at 6.5 pH and things really stable in the 300. (my effluent is much higher alk although).


I agree... And he said his ph is 7.0 in reactor. Dosnt make sense to me either.... No demand was my though too. He says the tank is well stocked with cal demanding corals...

Maybe remove half the media from the reactor till the demand increases
Hoping it was a false alarm. Shut everything down went to dinner. Retested again and back at normal. Red seam puts it at 9.1dkh. Hannah puts it at 7.9. So long as it's not 12dkh I can get some sleep tonight lol
So day 1 tank calcium increased 10ppm to 445. Alk increased 3.48to 12.2dkh, now I'm a little worried

If your alk was really 3.48 I would expect everything in your tank to be dead. Sounds like one of your test kits might be bad.
Not seeing any increase our holding of the levels yet. The tank ph dropped below 7 yesterday, so I recalibrated the probe, it went back up to normal, but today it's back down to 7 so I got some serious investigating to do when I get home
Found the culprit. I just added a salinity probe yesterday. Whenever I plug the salinty probe into the system the PH drops to 7. unplug it and the PH reads 8.2 So that problem is averted. no to just get the calcium up and the alk down lol