Calcium to Phosban reactor


Tang Cop
Premium Member
I know it sounds crazy but.... I came into an older Life Reef calcium reactor, don't know the model number. Since I am about to purchase a large tank for a reef, this would be too small to handle the calcium demand. I don't know the rating on this, but was on a 120 I think.
Obviously the bubble counter would not be needed and the intake would have to be enlarged. It is a dual chamber so the more phosban or whatever could be put in. Maybe phosban in one chamber and carbon in the other? It has a mag 2 so it would get good circulation and definately more "chamber time" than other filters.
I am now debating on leaving it to recirculate, or just having an intake and straight thru to exit. If left to recirculate, would be less water pumped thru the filter media and unknown as to the effectiveness. I think if I made it a "straight thru" with the mag 2, it should handle the load, since the chambers are large.
I thought of carbon in the first chamber, and phosban or phosguard in the second. Or should it be the other way around? Any suggestions?
As I price different phos reactors and canister filters, I don't think I could purchase each for the price I payed for this. I know I would have to put the media in a filter sock or a better sponge filter to keep from blowing thru. That is not really a concern at this point.
I don't think the tiny intake tube will give enough flow. Here is my idea.......
The 2 chambers resemble 2 whole house water filters. Has inlet and outlet. Plumb the first intake with the mag 2 and the canister filled with carbon. From there, the second canister filled with phosban or phosguard or something. Then to the tank. No other pumps. I've even thought of doing away with the pump and having a return plumbed to it, but that won't work. All the physics laws you know. This will be plumbed in the bubble trap or fuge section of the sump.
Anyway, if anyone if familiar with this calcium reactor, let me know your thoughts or inputs. It will go on either a 240 or 300 gallon, I have not yet decided yet. Here is a pic of the reactor.

All comments and suggestions are welcome and very much appreciated.

sorry but i look at that reactor and laugh. lol thats a factory reactor??? wow all its made out of is a couple of filter housings and a pump. but it would make a great phos reactor/ carbon reactor. i would think about trying to gravity feed it from your overflow box some how. then you could get rid of the pump all together. unless it didtnt flow very well. i think a good sponge filter before and after the media would work well for that.
good luck let us know how it works out.

Thats the response I was looking for. Gravity feed and no pump. Yes, I was thinking around 100 micron for the exit for this thing. Hopefully that would do the trick to catch what is washed out. I am hoping the gravity feed will be enough but never know I guess. Trial and error....
well just to make sure your covered either way, make sure you can plumb the mag pump inline to the filter incase you need it on there. but i dont think you will. if the fittings are there for the pump it will be easer to change it once its already plumbed in.