calerpa illegal?

No need to bash CA, or any other state for that matter. We are all on the same team here. Better to look at how our hobby can contribute to environmental issues rather than detract. Let's face it, for each gallon of water in your tank, an acre of ocean floor has been harvested.
look, i lived in california for over 20 years. (i even spent two years in san jose, EmergencyDpt). i did not like the overcrowding, high cost of living, and reactionary government.
i agree we are all on the same team here. that is why i posted those three links to some *great* information about the caulerpa "epidemic".
furthermore, i am currently working on my second degree, this time a b.s. in natural resources and environmental science. i have some sense as to the weight of the issue, but it think it would be much, much more sensible for california to pass a law stating that it is a capital crime to dump caulerpa sp. down the drain, instead of making it a steep offense to responsibly possess algae of the genus that the offending species belongs to. the solution is extreme. imagine if nevada banned all hunting if somebody poached a wild horse (which is already illegal). it's what we called a disciplinary "shotgun blast" in the army, the shot is meant for one individual, but everyone else in the vincinity also gets hit.
Would anyone be kind enough to post a picture of the different good/bad species of algae you guys are discussing? Thanks!
Except that not all seaweeds were banned, and the law did not seem to have much negative impact on the liverock trade in CA.

Therefore my conclusion is there will always be people who overreact to an event, or overreact to an overreaction, either to please their constituents (in the case of the CA legislature to the biologists and farmers), or to vent their own displeasure at some people (in the case of some members here who have intense feeling about California):)
leave it to california, where emotional reaction dominates over intelligent, logical rationality. the democratic republic of kalifornia, land of fruits and nuts...

Why do people always have to get political and spew there personal offensive beliefs on this board. Can't we just keep it reef! Jeeze! I get enough of that BS at work and on the 6 O'Clock news! California is the DEVIL! Please! :thumbdown
Hawaii is alot more strict then California about such things-- you can't buy live rock in Hawaii and its illegal to take any from the ocean..

I do agree about blanket bashing a place or group... no place for it here...

and remember... "all generalizations are false" :D
Well Caulerpa looks cool in a display since it looks natural and grows like a plant. So Caulerpa has 2 advatages, looks and nitrate export. Chaeto can only be in a sump, and doesn't matter what it looks like since it is purely functional.