Calling out Wiskey


Premium Member
Hey Wiskey. I noticed back in March as part of Kip's post of all his tank pics that you mentioned you had just recieved a pink milli frag that got dark. I am going through the same thing with my ORA rose milli. How has has your frag colored up over the last couple of months? What lighting is it under? I hope you don't mind me calling you out. ;)
Good call Ti :D

I don't remember what I said in the thread you are talking about, but I can give you some history on my Pink Milli frag.

Let me start by saying I had allot of problems with my 50G tank, thankfully that is on the mend now, but it took me about 6 months+ to find out what the problem was.

I got the Pink Milli right in the early stages of all this, and this is what it did.

I got the Pink Milli frag and it looked spectacular!

I placed it on a plastic plug/disk and placed it in high light, about halfway down the tank right under an xm10K.

It started to darken, and get a little more fleshy so I moved it higher, as high in the tank as possible, right under the XM10K.

It continued to darken, got a little more fleshy and turned green, eventually getting dark green, pylop extension all but disappeared, and the only growth was to encrust the plug.

A couple, or maybe 3 months ago I accidentally broke the frag off it's plug, it had encrusted to the plug so I gave the plug to a friend who has a successful tank.

In his tank a month later it had turned back to a brilliant pink and polyp extension was back and as good as ever. In the time he has had my pink Milli (2-3 months) it has encrusted far over the edges of the original plug and put off 3 branches.

In this time, mine continued to do nothing, not even re-encrust.

About 2 weeks ago I finally figured out what the heck was wrong with the 50 (owner is a moron) and have made moves to correct it.

The Pink Milli also went into my 15 gallon BB tank 2 weeks ago, (holding tank) but this tank has consistently done better with stony corals. The pink Milli is now showing a little PE again, and has started to encrust.

I am hopeful, that given some more time, it will go back to it's spectacular self.

What does it all mean Bazzel?
Even with the coral having no PE and going completely green it is able to recover when given the right conditions.

A Pink Milli when given the wrong conditions can go green (who knew?)

I don't mind, but in the future it is a good idea to PM me (like you did), it is really the only way you can be sure I will see the thread.
Any questions?

What was the problem that you corrected?

Reason I was asking is I got a ORA rose milli and it has turned to a deep burgundy type color in a matter of 4-5 days. I figure in time as new growth appears, which it seems to have begun, it will become brighter. I have had it for about 2.5 weeks now. I had it on the bottom for several days, moved it up near the top for a few, moved it back down again and today I permanently mounted it toward the top 1/3 of the tank. I am just hoping it becomes brighter in color.
I told you the problem, I'm a moron :lol:

I will make this as short of a story as possible.

I read all the signs wrong.

I assumed that because I had a BB tank with a huge skimmer that my problem was low nutrients.

I posted threads, asked questions, proceeded with my tank using this assumption.

I assumed that my return pump was a mag 7 (bought used no label)

my problem:

My return pump was a mag5 due to the head, 1/2 inch pipe and 90 fittings it was only returning ~ 250 GPH.

A skimmer processing 1141 GPH is no good if it is only being fed 250 GPH.

Based on my assumption:
To solve the problem with my tank, I started feeding more, upping my fish load, feeding even more, even more fish etc,...

What happened is eventually my newly cooked rock loaded up, and it became very odious, even to me, that my problem was not low nutrients.

That is when I started to do some real tests, and found out about the return problem, I also found the secondary problem that the 50 can only drain 300GPH.

I have now removed all the fish from my tank, and have less rock in my tank, I will wait for the "true" signs of low nutrients and add fish one at a time, waiting 2 months between, and take this very carefully.

You've been messing with yours, quit it! Put it in strong-high light and leave it be. If you don't have coral color problems, you won't with this coral either.

BTW, I have 2 pink milli's, the ora and the Tyree? (I think the second is the Tyree but don't know for sure??? in any case it is a "named" coral, maybe Steve I something or other?) They both went green, the one I had for less time, is faster to recover.
