Camo's 300g sps, anthias and angels reef

Picked up my tank this morning and a few of the local members from Masq (Marine Aquarium Society of Queensland) gave me a hand to lift it into place.





Do you plan to use an acrylic comb on the overflow opening ?
Thanks mate I'm using an aquamedic overflow comb that slides in and out of the black strip you see in those pics you can kind of see it in this pic.
Here is a before and after, the first has 2x 250mh and 5x54actinic t5 the second 2x 150w unit with a 2 white to 1 blue ratio. I have the long length of the unit gong front to back. It has the same coverage as my blumen bright mini reflector. Please excuse the poor photography was taken on my iPhone I could not photo the blue only it was a big blue blur lol.

It was built at Mary annes aquarium in Brisbane, The SRO are awsome its kicking butt on my current tank roughly 180g so hopefully it will handle the extra volume.
Thanks Ryan

Tanks is getting a little wet today Friday is a public holiday so I'm going to start moving everything Thursday night. I had 400l in my ibc so I'm putting that in the tank then getting the ibc filled so I have 1000l on hand plus the water from the 4x3
Well 14hrs later and a mess to clean up finally got everything moved over, big thanks to stripes who helped me move the livestock. Also found would could have contributing to my cyano, an impeller magnet had swelled and cracked.

Here are some pics



Thanks, it was lots of fun but towards the end I was getting very tired. Next step is to get some base rock to finish aquascape, build hood and clad the stand and hood.
camoausreefer, are you happy with the spread of the LED's? Do they cover most of the 3' width of the tank? Can you post a link to purchase the LED's?
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Here is a link to the site, my units are the same dimensions as these but are the 150w version. I have a 2white to 1blue ratio which is about a 16000k mh. They have built
I'm cooling fans and can come with autotimers to control the white and blue separately. The website doesn't really have that much of the info. Here is Beatrice email she was very helpful with my purchase. Tell her Ryan from Australia sent you :beer:
Here is a link to the site, my units are the same dimensions as these but are the 150w version. I have a 2white to 1blue ratio which is about a 16000k mh. They have built
I'm cooling fans and can come with autotimers to control the white and blue separately. The website doesn't really have that much of the info. Here is Beatrice email she was very helpful with my purchase. Tell her Ryan from Australia sent you :beer:

No link was posted, just an email.