Can anyone recommend a good online store for ordering some soft corals?


New member
LFS charge an arm and a leg for frags.
Thinking about ordering some sort of variety package. I've seen many online stores advertise stuff like this.
Only going for soft corals.
Any recommendations, or personal experiences with this?
I don't drive so it would have to be delivered to my door.
Vivid Aquarium is local to me. I've been to their facility and seen their selection and they have really nice corals. As such, that would be one of my first suggestions for corals.

Anoter that is known to have a great selection of quality coral is World Wide Corals. There is also Live Aquaria although I don't know about their coral selection. I do know they are pretty well regarded for their fish.
Dr macs is who I would go with. Lots of frags at great prices

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Not sure where you're located, but local frag swaps will be your best bang for the buck. Check the Announcements forum for a list of frag swaps across the U.S.