Can I use my freshwater sponge filter in QT?


New member
I am starting a reef tank and want to set up a QT. I have a few freshwater tanks... can I use my freshwater sponge filter in my QT? If not, what's the best way to jump start nitrification bacteria?
You can use the sponge, but it won't provide biological filtration right off the bat.

Getting a QT or any marine aquarium biologically fit for handling marine animals is not so much the subject of this forum. However, excellent QT guidance can be found in this article:

You might get better guidance in another forum since this one specializes in fish diseases.
I think he's talking about whether he can seed with an established FW sponge filter as substrate. Posted in the other thread... pretty sure the species of Nitrosomas and Nitrobacter are different, but the genuses are the same...
That's the manner in which I took the original post.

There is most likely no beneficial bacteria there for the marine aquarium, but the filter, contaminated with organics would be a bit faster than starting with a sterile sponge. At least this has been my experience.

As you pointed out, the bacteria are different.