Cannot change direction of 6255's

I have 2 6255's on my 600g 1" acrylic tank, but I cannot change the direction of flow because the force of the water flow from the pump rotates the pump head in it's bracket. The pump eventually winds up pointing at the bottom or the surface, creating all kinds of havoc.
The pumps will only remain stable if I line up the propeller shaft perpindicular to the aquarium wall, like a Vortec MP60. (which I also have but I wanted the Tunze's for the ability to direct the flow)
Is there a way to tighten up the bracket holding force on the Tunze pumps?
I've had them for about 3 months.
Basically take the C clamp in your hand and squeeze it closed some. Will snug it up around the pump when you put it back. The clamp can bend alot without breaking.
I have the same pumps, and have that problem, and the guard keeps popping off, at this point I have wire tied them on... Not well made for the money! Also If I point them the way I want, the whole bracket comes off the magnet and they go spinning all over the tank tearing up everything, If a fish hits them well its a automatic disaster....Again not well thought out for the money...!!!!! I talked to the dealer and the Manufacture "Tunze" told them that the guards some times are warped in shipping, and to bend them back into shape....No that's not the case, the mate fine,They just do not have enough locking spots on the guards to keep them on. This is sad, due to the fact that the previous ones were built much better with a twist locking mechanism that held. So how is one supposed to keep this little rubber feed attached tot the magnet? What kind of Jerry rig am I supposed to do for this?

The little junction box on the cord fell apart as I was setting one of them up, and it kept coming apart, so I had to crazy glue it together.....

They are NEW! not used units and I did not expect such a poorly engineered product when purchasing them

I also have an issue of one pump completely shutting off between cycles instead of running at slow speed, is that a setting for this? Is it the red screw in the junction box?
In America we have all levels of quality, in Germany you only have 2 Levels of Quality...either its High End or sheisse (Crap) ...... Tunze is supposed to be engineered as high end ... To say Im not happy is putting it mildly... For a company to tell me to bend the bracket, and guards so that they will work as advertized is poor packaging, poor customer service, and or absent of quality control, but to have the units keep falling off the magnets under load, tearing up the tank and occupants is poorly designed, and a REAL SOLUTION needs to be addressed!
I have mentioned this to Mr Tunze, re the front housings, the front housing is so open that it does not have the structural rigidity of the other pumps. The only solution is a thicker plastic casting or added reinforcement and this may or may not be possible within the limits of the molds and safety regulations, for example we cannot use carbon fiber because it conducts electricity and the molding machine may not be able to produce a thicker part evenly and free of bubbles, but we are looking into it. In general all that is needed is to adjust the parts as I mentioned, I have used the 6255 at shows and in general you set it up and it stays in place, I would not foresee many issues with them coming apart unless they are being moved.

Regarding the junction box, we could have sent a new box, this is typically an easy fix by bowing the tabs out slightly and making sure no wires are in the way when it is clicked close.

The pump can stop if the potentiometer was turned down, it must be at full power when a controller is being used. This adjustment is only to be used when no controller is used. The most common cause of stopping is the pump is fouling up with calcium between the shaft and drive unit, this typically will happen after 6-8 weeks in a higher calcium level reef and cleaning should solve the issue. Remove the propeller, soak the prop and motor in 50/50 vinegar and water and it should be back to normal without the stalling.
Regarding the tabs, The tabs have to be bent inward, not outward, bending them outward would not latch them, bending them inward is impossible. As for the units coming off the magnetic basis, The weight of the wires and the start up of the pumps at 100% are enough to dislodge them from the little rubber feet, this design is enough to hold a smaller unit, but not the larger ones, we almost bought the larger 6550 institutional units at 1k more each, As they do not have the same brackets or rubber feet mounts, and seem to better attached. As for molding machines, injected molded parts can be made at any thickness, and the locking tabs should have been made either more robust, or designed more like the old ones. I do appreciate you bringing it to the attention of the manufacture, as they should be re-engineered and recalled or replaced. At his point we cant use the pumps over 60% which makes them vary inefficient, and we will have to buy 2 more units to make up for the loss of power, Which I wont do until they fix the problem.
You are welcome to send them in and I will take care of these issues. Every box I have seen that did not clip shut, needed the tabs of the junction box to be bent outwards. The clamp that holds the pump should hold securely and if it cannot be made to do so I will replace it. The silence clamp is used on consumer pumps because noise is more of an issue, an institutional user with a huge tank, isn't as concerned about this issue. If we make the front housing any differently we would loose flow, the only option is thicker plastic or reinforced plastic and while what you say is generally correct, we have to work within the limits of the molding machines we own, a very thick robust piece requires a much higher tonnage of injection molding machine. I don't see this issue on every pump and to be as pronounced as you claim, something has to be wrong and I am happy to solve it if you send them in.
Since they were not bought from Tunze Austin, They were Bough from Premium Aquatics, and shipped from the factory in California, Do I send them back the California address? As your correct that noise is an issue in most homes, the water volume of a large tank is noisy, and it wouldn't make much difference at this point.
Everything comes from Tunze Germany to us (Tunze USA, Austin TX) we have no California office or factory. We handle all the repairs and warranty work.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

Just be sure to include your return address, phone number and a list of the issues you are having.
The heads have been staying in place after I tightened the c clamps together.
However, I am experiencing the same problem as Crazzyreefer with the pumps coming off the magnetic base at the rubber feet.
There is a limit that these pumps can be pointed and still run near full power.
If I were to go on vacation, I would probably need to reduce the flow or else point them perpendicular to the aquarium wall.
They could do some real damage if they were to hit against the inside of the acrylic aquarium wall while they were running.
This is true, given the wide outlet and limited movement in the holder, they were not designed to be angled sharply. It is possible to lock the rubber mounts in, it is also possible to use the older 6065.510 clamp but either results in more noise. If you insert a small plastic rod into the holes on each end of the silicon feet after assembly, it will prevent them from coming loose as they cannot close in so easily and are more rigid. A 1/8" rigid airline tube or the plastic pegs that attach model pieces are ideal for this, but again, it has a cost, more noise from the rigidity.
I will too try this, as sending them in probably wont do much, and I will still need another pair while Tunze has them. I do see this as a noise quieting part, but if they mad it so that they would lock on better ....... They would also function better.....also they have come off less since they have been in the tank for a while it may be in part the mold release agent for the silicon feet. ...Less is still not good due to the damage they can and have done to the corals...
The releasing agent could be a cause but more commonly what I see is that the 5th silicon foot is not seated all the way so it is pushing the clamp apart, only the 6255 has this 5th center foot and it is mainly their to add some rigidity and increase the tension on the pump.