Captive bred Flame Angel


New member
I am trying to locate a captive bred flame angel. I have done some looking around and I have seen that they have been sucessfully raised, however I have not located anywhere that sold them to the public. Does anyone know if there are any available anywhere? I have been in the hobby 10+ years and never seen one.
None for sale that I know of. The few that have been raised are bought quickly. You almost have to know a guy that knows a guy that's raising them.
None for sale that I know of. The few that have been raised are bought quickly. You almost have to know a guy that knows a guy that's raising them.

OR purchase off his website when he had them. Alas its been years since any were available. Its not like Frank made any money at all on them given the input of time and energy he had into them.
If he had them, we'd know and the blogs would be ablaze about it.

Captive Raised doesn't actually mean Captive Bred FWIW.

I understand the difference. Witch is way I said raised.

However, being no one has Captive Bred Flame Angels captive raised from a larval stage stage is the next best sustainable practice.