Centerpiece Fish?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6788917#post6788917 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sethd12
yes, they are one of the few that are other than blue throat and sargassum. They are by far the prettiest of the reef safe triggers.
What about crabs/snails/shrimp?
I have a blue throat trigger and he hasn't touched any inverts in the year that I have owned him. Would imagine the crosshatch would act the same way. By the way he is the best fish I own.
crosshatches should be the last fish introduced, especially if its a pair.
My friend has a Trio of crosshatches in a 500 that i shipped to him. I then shipped him a 4" dussemeir tang tht he wanted as a show fish. He put it in the 500 and the crosshatches went NUTS and started tearing fins off biting his sides and just went crazy...
The tang is fine.. just doesn't have a tail or fins... but eats and looks healthy besides the gashes.
I have also heard of croshsatches biting green chromis clean in half when introduced after the Pair of CHT were... I think it has something to do with mating or sexual behavoir.

Anyway... add them last. lol :)
I can only imagine what 3 full grown triggers of any type would do to a chromis.
My blue throat is 4" and tears through a silverside like nothing.
How about a hybrid tang, or an albino white tang? I have seen one, and it was so unusual that it is a real head turner!