Centerpiece Fish?

i still vote for crosshatch pair or black tang. I'd stay away from Angels just in case... :) Although a streamer Naso would be quite amazing.

powder browns i dont believe school. a school of purples would be awesome (although it has been done)

have you narrowed it down yet??
gem tang and jewel tang are differnt.

Gem tangs go for close to 1000$ if not more

Jewel tangs around 150$(if you can find it)
Large angel (Blueface, Bluering, Queen, Passer or Imp.)


Tang (Sohal, Gem, Achilles, Powder blue).
Yea, a large Emperor Angel or Clown Tang. I've got a juvie Emp and will add a Clown Tang in a few months. Beautiful fish.
is this centerpiece fish going to be more for your enjoyment or the enjoyment of people not familiar with the hobby? i ask this because i have a black tang, crosshatch trigger, watanabei angel, regal angel, etc (click on my website for the complete list), but when visitors come over, they woo and ahh over dori and nemo and completely ignore the others...:rolleyes:

i even had one person tell me that my black tang was "dull"! :eek2:
AI3 - good point! That's hilarious.

I am thinking Tangs in this order (Powder Blue, Sohal or Clown) May think about the Black as well.
As far as Angels probably the most colorful and peaceful variety I can locate and see how it does.
to be honest, black tangs are dull.. hahaha i've seen so many of them now, im immune to the rarity! (ok maybe not yet) But they are just black.. but there aren't many black fish out there, so they are a nice sight for a change. :)

only thing i dont like about them is they get a whitish lone along the dorsal back side with age.. it ****es me off.. they dont stay all black!!! :(
What about the Personifer Angel? This fish appears to be black with lt. green and blue markings. Anyone seen one? Do they look that cool? I think a touch of black to the reef environment is a very nice look. However, with this fish, there is some bright it is not as "dull" as the black tang. Anyone seen one or have experience with this fish?
Why would you want an ALL black fish...ESPECIALLY as your centerpiece?? They might be rare and cost alot, but in my opinion they don't add much beauty to the tank.
I have a male blue boxfish in my 300. They are hard to get acclimated to aquariums, but once they do, watch out. He's about 6" long. I got him on an impulse buy at the lfs. He didn't eat for about a month after I got him and then one day out of the blue he started feeding like a pig. Be careful if you have an acrylic tank though he has completely ruined my tank by scratching the front of the tank with his teeth. He is real personable though and greets anyone who gets close to the aquarium. They kind of have a personality like some puffers.
All I have so far are a few zoanthids and leathers, So far I havent had any problems with the fish and the corals. Supposedly they can be toxic, but I haven't had any problems with boxfish in the past. I had a longhorn cowfish in my old 125 that was about 4" that died one day while I was at work, but I didn't lose any fish from it.