Chaeto Observation


New member
Hello all.

I just wanted to post an observation on my Chaeto and see if anyone else has ever had this happen.

I never had problems growing Chaeto. It grew like weeds and I was harvesting at least once a week.

My PO4 was higher then I liked .08 so I started running GFO.

I started to notice my Chaeto turning brown and dying back. I noted that my PO4 after running the GFO was down to .01.

It appears in the last few days the Chaeto is starting to make a come back. Still brown but less so and starting to grow again.

I tested P04 again and I am now at .04 as the GFO has probably exhausted as it has been in roughly 3 weeks or so.

Has anyone else seen this happen to their Chaeto when running ultra low PO4 or is this just coincidence?

I am going to hold off on changing out the GFO and give the Chaeto more time and see if it makes a solid come back as long my PO4 doesn't rise much more.

Also for the record my Nitrates are undetectable or very low as they don't register on the test kit.
The GFO is likely outcompeting the chaeto for phosphate. I'd just use one - chaeto. Keep GFO on hand for emergencies.

You can reduce the size of the chaeto if nutrients are too low, essentially giving you a smaller mouth to feed. When it melts down it's dumping those nutrients back into the tank.
Tight balance. How big is your tank, sump, refugium? Running gfo and a refugium can get tricky, also why are you doing gfo in addition to the fuge?
Not a very big fuge. PO4 was creeping up higher then I like so I ran some GFO. PO4 went from like .08 to .01. I felt it better to get the PO4 down but the Chaeto it appears took the hit. It's coming back now. PO4 is at .04 now. I can live with that if I can keep it there.