Chasing Coral on Netflix

I saw the documentary and it was very sad. I always wonder why nobody is stocking reefs around the world with Red Sea corals that seem to be able to withstand very high temperatures. Maybe having non native coral is worse than having no coral at all? I doubt humanity will change their pollution of greenhouse gases but I hope that I am wrong.
I just watched it last night. I am not sure what is controversial in the film, but I am not here to argue. It made me think about the hobby and how we, as people who enjoy coral in our homes, should be doing our part to ensure that we are not making the problem worse with our hobby. I for one will be sure to purchase coral that has not removed from the ocean. I don't think there is much we can do about the warming of the ocean at this point unfortunately.
Realize that most destruction comes from dredging in poor countries to make concrete aggregate for roads. That seems to be overlooked, but maintaining corals and helping them thrive in captivity is limited and controlled.
Watched it last night, and as many was shocked to see oceans act like beginners tanks, with sps going up in smoke so quicky. Sad to say the least.
I can honestly say we should get used to aquacultured sps colonies as they will be all available very soon. There is no way we will avoid seeing a ban on wild caught colonies and fish very soon.

Im sure our hobby contributes to ocean predation and there are many reasons we should take a stance on doing all possible to help avoid stress to the reefs