Check this out guys/gals.

I sent them an e-mail letting them know how terrible what they are doing is. You guys should do the same. The stars, crabs, and fish are collected alive. Also the corals are still alive in some cases you can see the colored flesh on them.
It looks to me that the shells are collected, as a food supply. After the food is eaten, the shells are then sold. If that's the case, I really don't see a problem with it.

Though, after looking down the page further, I'm seeing coral heads. Doubtful that those are collected for food. Hmmm

The description, in Products, says that the corals are "Dead Collected." However, on the front page, with all the corals spread out on a tarp, some appear to have "live color" to them. Hard to say.
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Weather or not they are collected for food the Gigas clams are close to being endangered and collecting them for food is the main reason. Also the starfish, crabs, and puffer fish are collected live. You can see pictures of them diving in the ocean collecting them live. Also the corals are not dead you can still see the colored flesh on them. The other issue is they are selling large gigas clam shells for $850.00 Im sure they dont pay the people in a 3rd world country much more than a few dollars. When the large clams and shells are gone so will this company. The people that depends on this trade as a lively hood will be screwed because there is nothing else for them to do. This company is not helping that situation. These poor people are being exploited. Just because something is collected as food does not mean it is right. There are many critters in the ocean that are over collected and in danger of vanishing. Thats is why I disagree with this site.

Syrinx. I agree the shells are cool, but not what they are doing to the environment.
I took the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee browsing the shell site. The sponges may be local- other than that, all I see is a tacky tourist trap, selling imported it is collected, I won't speculate, but if you've ever smelled a mature colony of coral or sponge with some flesh left on it- well that ain't gonna fly home on a plane back to Buffalo.

The address is about 20 minutes from me. Being a rainy day ahead, maybe I'll take my li'l ones to check it out today and give their moma a rest. If I go, I'll report back.

Any one wanna guess what type of music they'll be playing over their PA? I'm going local radio with, country. But, it'll probably be a canned calypso...
Doesn't look dead to me


Sent them an email

"Maybe your web page should mention how you slowly suffocate and dry these beautiful animals on beaches around the world. And I don't think you can say you only sell dead coral heads and then show a picture of live coral heads drying on the beach... People like you make me sick. If you were honest with the people who buy from you about how you get these things, NO ONE WOULD BUY THEM!!!

Best of luck destroying our oceans, I'm sure someone will shut you down soon enough.... "

message back

"Did someone **** in your cheerios this morning?????????????????????? "

Lol you got to hand it to them, they take criticism well... LOL
Did not see that pic on the link I visited from above....and tht's my favorite line BTW...the place is wholesale only, not only did I not get to take my four year old (primed to cry at all the dead animals) but I do not get to report on the loud speaker music. Oh well.
How nice of them to kill the coral that way....several pics of that. There is also a nice one of a pile of what has to be a couple thousand dead starfish. Doesn't look like they were used for too much food.

What scumbags.

Then our hobby gets crapped on for collecting and -GASP- keeping these coral alive in our tanks.
Well heres what I got back from them.
Mark if you are so upset with the way we run our business and the items that we sell just remember your anger towards us when you eat your next hamburg or your next lamb shank or even that steak that you put on your grill every summer. Thank for brightining my day I always knew there were people like you out there some where. Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont think there is anything wrong with me. Also cows and lambs are not near extinct and I dont kill a cow just to put it on my shelf. Thanks for the support guys/gals and sending these guys some nasty e-mails. I'll sleep better tonight. They did not respond to any of my claims.
Well heres what I got back from them.
Mark if you are so upset with the way we run our business and the items that we sell just remember your anger towards us when you eat your next hamburg or your next lamb shank or even that steak that you put on your grill every summer. Thank for brightining my day I always knew there were people like you out there some where. Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont think there is anything wrong with me. Also cows and lambs are not near extinct and I dont kill a cow just to put it on my shelf. Thanks for the support guys/gals and sending these guys some nasty e-mails. I'll sleep better tonight. They did not respond to any of my claims.

cows and lambs are breed and will never be extinct, we breed cows for a food source, now maybe if he said " the next time you eat a buffalo burger" or next time you "eat a bald eagle" he may have a case but he didnt say that, what a tard (fyi i dont eat bald eagles)

Most of these clams probably came from the huge clam farms oversees, theres alot of clam farms, i just watched a show of a clam farm that grew and harvested theyre meet and then sold off the shells hich that is probably where these come from, now for the collecting of all of those dead corals, that is just plain sick, the bad thing is once they dry them out and they are dead skeletons, cites no longer has to be involved for the import or export of them.... which means thre are no limit on collecting live corals and killing them and shipping them off to eery continent in the world...
the title to this pic says, blue and red corals, if any of you know, dead sps is bone white....., ive never seen a dead sps retain any of its color

It really makes me sick what these people are doing to our reefs, also from their responses you can see how uneducated and unprofessional they are. Really wish something could be done about this but really I don't think there is. It's truely sad...
I forwarded their site to PETA and seashepards. There is something that can be done. e-mail them to let them know your unhappy with what they are doing and dont support companies like this. Also spread the word that it is not right. I have told a few people about the site and I start off by saying its a bunch of shells and stuff. Their response is wow that sounds cool then I tell them what they do and their tune changes. Most people think what they are doing is not big deal. When I explain what they are actually doing they think it is sick. I dont think these clams are farmed. They are huge and the time it would take for these to grow would be huge. Also they would have told me they were farmed because I specifically brought up the issue of removing Gigas clams from the wild.
Well heres what I got back from them.
Mark if you are so upset with the way we run our business and the items that we sell just remember your anger towards us when you eat your next hamburg or your next lamb shank or even that steak that you put on your grill every summer. Thank for brightining my day I always knew there were people like you out there some where. Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an idiotic response, but exactly what you would expect from someone like this trying to justify their harmful business. Huge difference in animals raised for food and animals sufficated on a beach for ornamental display. At least cows and such have almost all of them used, nothing really goes to waste.