Hy guys,
in the end nothing really strange in this method of conduction.
Dissolved oxygen and organic carbon are the two major limiting factors in every tank.
100 gr of fish well fed can produce 50 mg/day of ammonia, corresponding to about 40 mg of nitrogen: is pure madness to think that an aquatic plant (in a freshwater aquarium for example) can manage this amount, because it means that should grow 100 grams in about a week (considering a composition of 2.5% of N on dry matter and a water content of about 90%).
Corals are not so many different, because they are symbiotic with zooxantelle, that are algae, but they have not the necessary growth rate to support the organic load of a populated tank.
Autotrophic bacteria transform ammonia in nitritis and nitrates thanks to the oxygen dissolved in water: if the nitrogen cycle ends at this stage, we can observe a continuos increase of the amount of nitrates, but if we administer a source of organic carbon (vodka, sucrose, glucose, etc), the heterotrophic bacteria, in a condition of low oxygen, may use it as fuel and nitrates as oxydizer, producing gaseous nitrogen that dissolves in the atmosphere.
During this process, heterotrophic bacteria may assume large amounts of phosphorus in a way called luxury uptake.
These bacteria may live adhese to a substrate or floating free in the water column under the form of microflakes: in every flake there are the necessary conditions to sustain the nitrogen cycle, because they have a surface in contact with a well oxygenated water and a nucleus where oxygen is lacking.
As corals are filters, these flakes may be used as nutrient.
I hope my english is better enough to explain you my point of wiew.
If you are interested, I may link some articles about this argument.