chilller setup?


New member
I'm looking for feedback on proper chiller sizing and flow rate. I have about 325 total gallons in my system, using an Iwaki 70rlt for the main return. I THINK I've decided the inline Tradewind compact 1/2 hp unit will work. They recommend 600 to 1800gph flow rate with this unit, and the Iwaki is rated at 1500gph. I need to reduce the temp. by about 4 to 6 degrees.

Does this sound reasonable? Will using close to the maximum flow rate throught the chiller cause it to cycle more frequently?

Thanks for your time!:)
does it get hot where you live? do you run MH? i have a 300 in souther cali and i dont runa chiller.. just some fans over the sump...

as for the chiller goes.. if you run more water through it then it reccomends then it will be running longer as it will not have enough time to chill the water going through it....