Yeah, sorry about the lack of updates.
Truthfully I haven't done a whole lot with the tank recently. As I mentioned in my last post, I've been trying to focus my attention elsewhere for the time being. Things are going well and looking quite good though, which is nice.
I have an aptasia epidemic that I must take care of however... I'm going to start with trying peppermint shrimp, and if that dosen't work I'll try a copperband butterfly.
I also removed the green Clown Goby as he was bothering my SPS by 'living' in them and biting the flesh off them. Not cool.
I've been trying the Reef-resh system (by Polyplab) but the jury is still out on the effectiveness so far. I hope to have a greater analysis for you guys in the near future.
Coralline growth has continued to explode and I also discovered a small (marble sized) sea urchin on my rock the other night. Which is super cool and strange since I've never added any LR to the display, only to the 'fuge. It seems to be a 'rock-boring' urchin that lives solely on algae, so I'll let him be for the time being.
I just had a metal halide bulb burn out on me today, so I'm going to order 3 more and replace all of them... I'm going to stick with the EVC 14k's as I really like the color of my tank without having to use actinics.
I'm going to try and get some pictures up tomorrow.. I should have time.