clam eating snails???


New member
found these in my clam...its pulling back from the mantle...pulled one out yesterday...then today took the clam out of the tank and shook 3 more from inside out...i think i got them all...will the clam come back????

thanks for any info...
its hard to say if the clam will make it, it depends on how much damage these snails did.i cant id them, but maybe snailguy can.try PMing him
did u mean snailman?..I dont see a snailguy in the member listing...maybe u can pm me the right link to his pm or something...thanks again
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6946617#post6946617 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dilligaf_biker69
did u mean snailman?..I dont see a snailguy in the member listing...maybe u can pm me the right link to his pm or something...thanks again

he must have moved on.
I had snails that look like that. Got rid of them after I found they eating my other snails on multiple occasions. IMO, give em the flush...