Clams dying, please help...


New member

I am having some problems with the clams that I keep. To date I have lost 2 and a third is now showing signs of the same thing.

Basically the mantle of the clam will not fully open. It starts in only a small area of the mantle and spreads to the whole thing over a period of weeks. The effected mantle is shrunk back and curls up slightly and eventually the clam dies there is no loss of coloration etc.

I have studied the Sprung book on clams and it would seem that a parasite would be to blame, however the last clam that showed these symptoms was checked VERY thoroughly on many occasions both day and night and I could find nothing. I had a six line wrasse in the tank but never saw it take any interest in any of the clams. I have seen no signs of any parasitic snails. I do have bristleworms in the system but again they have never bothered any of my clams in the 20 months that I have been keeping clams.

Any help here would be appreciated as I do not want to lose this clam as it a is particularly lovely specimen of a maxima in light blue and gold. It also cost me a fortune!!


These symptoms could be caused by low alkalinity and high calcium levels.

I would suggest checking those as well as traces for copper in your tank.

If the levels are out, a water change will help, but the levels must be monitored closely. As you raise the alk (to 4-5), you must also add magnesium(to 1200-1300ppm) as it will cause it to fall out of solution. As the alk reaches a normal level, the calcium will correct itself.

It sounds similar to what I had in my tank. The affected area just not fully open with mucus string and curved sp slightly and some what withdrawal. Start at one area and spread to the rest of the mantel then the clam just stop growing and died after a few months. I got this from keeping a sick clam from a friend trying to get it better. I know this was dumb, but I initially though that his clams was not doing well because of water condition instead of infection. My clams was doing very well for years and grew fast before I added this disease to my tank. I lost two clams to it before I was able to cure the problem.
This was what I did.
When my second clam died, and I know that it did not died from poor water condition, lighting or parasitic snail infection, and knowing that clam importer often fresh water dipped their clams to control disease (talking to Dick at Tropicorium) I fresh water dipped my clams. Initially, I only dipped two of the sickest clams. One died and the other clam recover in two days. His mantel fully open again and he started to grow again I continue to dipped my clams one or two at a time. All the clams, Crocea, Maxima, Derasa, Gigas and Squamosa, can stay in fresh RO water for 40 minutes without significant problem. After I dipped them, they would recover from the dipping in 2 days. They would fully open for a while and start growing again, only to come down again with the disease. I then dipped three of my best clams with the diseased and gave them to John at Lone Star Coral to keep for me (last year before he went out of business), another two clams was dipped and given to my brother. All these clams went to tank with no clams. All five recovered and was cure of this disease. I have 8 other clams in my tank. I did not have any other disease free tank to put them in. I bite the bullet and took all the clams out and dipped them in RO water at the same time. I did all of them even the ones that does not have disease, including my 18 inches Gigas (started to catch this disease). This was the reason I hesitated so much. I know that Crocea and Maxima can easily tolerate fresh water dipped and from experience that Derasa and Squamosa can also tolerate the dipping, but unsure about the Gigas. I did not wanted to loose my rare Gigas.
Anyway, they all tolerate the fresh water dip fine and recovered fully. My clams started to do well again.
I have not determined the exact nature of the infection, and this is only anecdotal experience. I don't know the optimal dipping time for effective treatment. I just know that it took care of the problem. This infection apparently just affect clams, not snails, fishes or corals. And that fresh water dip is effective in fighting this infection.
I hope your clams will do well. Please email me for any specific questions.