Awesome tank clkwrk
Awesome tank clkwrk
I wanted to thank you for helping me out with my understanding of sump design. You had posted a thread that really helped and I appreciate it immensly. I've just finished your thread and I think I've learned more from it than any other source with respect to moving up to a 180g! I'm actually going through the same thing in that I'm moving and I'm setting up a 180bb (bb because of your thread!) I had some questions about going bare and you cleared them up nicely.
I'v got a thousand questions for you but I 'll ask the most pertinent ones for the sake of brevity. I've purchased a Deltec apf600 and after reading various Deltec threads, I'm wondering if its enough. It seems as though those clowns would put a 901 on a 6g nano! I saw your setup and you have two skimmers and though I'm not familar with them, I assume they have decent output. Do you think I have enough skimmer for an sps tank with medium to heavy bio load? Also, the tunze wavebox... I've been thinking of using that or a wave 2k. Have you any thoghts? Their video on the site looks just like yours and since they offer a corner model I was thinking about it but no one's heard of them. Thoughts?
Thanks clkwrk for all your help!