Clkwrk's 180gBB SPS/LPS tank setup and progression log

Okay almost there another 3hrs tomorrow and its done

Thanks. I exchanged most of my live rock for new stuff there are 5 pieces or so that are old. It was a 100% reaquascape with rock exchange. I needed to open things up at the bottom so flow could get around everything.
I absolutely love the aquascaping on the last picture. I like the previous aswell but this last one is superb!

Nice job, looking forward to more pictures.
Awesome tank clkwrk

Awesome tank clkwrk

I wanted to thank you for helping me out with my understanding of sump design. You had posted a thread that really helped and I appreciate it immensly. I've just finished your thread and I think I've learned more from it than any other source with respect to moving up to a 180g! I'm actually going through the same thing in that I'm moving and I'm setting up a 180bb (bb because of your thread!) I had some questions about going bare and you cleared them up nicely.
I'v got a thousand questions for you but I 'll ask the most pertinent ones for the sake of brevity. I've purchased a Deltec apf600 and after reading various Deltec threads, I'm wondering if its enough. It seems as though those clowns would put a 901 on a 6g nano! I saw your setup and you have two skimmers and though I'm not familar with them, I assume they have decent output. Do you think I have enough skimmer for an sps tank with medium to heavy bio load? Also, the tunze wavebox... I've been thinking of using that or a wave 2k. Have you any thoghts? Their video on the site looks just like yours and since they offer a corner model I was thinking about it but no one's heard of them. Thoughts?
Thanks clkwrk for all your help!
clowns??? I take great offense to that!! so what if i have a 1003 on my 55 gallon.!! :)

seriously though, I think an apf600 is borderline too small for a 180. I have a 701 on my 240 system and if i had the room I would have put a 702... just my .02 which is about what my .02 is worth
Thanks edub_50 !

I am going to agree the apf600 is cutting it close if not short IMO .

My 2 skimmers were a ASMg-3 and ER 8-2 both with sedra 5000's.
I now run a H&S A200-1260 . As for the wavebox its large so if the 2k does the same I may opt for that because of the corner mount.

However I haven't tried the wave box in a rear corner yet so I don't know how the wave box would perform there.
On a side note I am still working on the tank and I am upto 7 large crabs and 4 babies from the large crabs. It is amazing how long these guys can hid out in tank with out being noticed. I can spot there homes very easily now for future reference.
Absolutely stunning tank. My new 180 is coming this weekend. I only hope that I can make it 1/2 as beautiful as yours!
Thanks! I do sell locally just not out of state yet .

Here is a pic from this morning . I am still placing things and cutting up rock and corals to rid myself of the byropsis.

So far I am happy . The rock work is very open and ample flow will beable to keep the bottom cleaner.

Even with all of the streams do you get good flow at the bottom 1/4 of your tank behind the rock?

I've been thinking of doing 2 things, either adding two more 6000 or 6100's or putting a tunze 6000 at the bottom rear of my tank to blow behind the rock to make sure nothing starts to build up behind my rock work, though it looks like a big pile of rock it is mostly emtpy space inside of the rock...

Nice tank!

I do now that my rock is placed better but yes I did get movement with the wavebox as it moves all water in the tank.

With my old 120 I had a closed loop which kept the back clean and kept everything up front to be kicked up by the streams
Okay getting closer still trying to find places to stuff things.All of my colors have taken a hit but will be back before ya know it .




Would you mind dropping over to Ky and help me with my rockwork? Looks very nice....

Are the vertical structures simply resting together, or is there a connecting system (dowels, epoxy, etc.)?

Thanks ! I used some epoxy but most of it is free standing. I have gotten really good with stacking rock :D

On a Side not I got bored and decided to do the trimwork that boarders the tank. Tomorrow I may get around to the top trip and bottom trim then I will be 2 side panels away from a complete stand .
