clown Goby question


Premium Member

I reviewed your clown goby article and have a question that wasn't addressed. I currently have two green clown gobies in a ten gallon nano. They've been together about 9 months but have only been in this tank for a few days. Can I add a different species (prefer the yellow) of clown goby ? What other small fish would be a good tankmate for them ? Or do you think I'm fully stocked ?

hello agu,

i have successfully mixed several species of clown gobies, though it was never in a tank as small as a 10g. i did successfully have 3 species in a 29g, though, so i suspect you should be ok mixing one other species into your 10g. clown gobies are pretty easy to capture and remove, so i'd say go for it and if the need arises seperate the fish.


fwiw, the yellow's are most notable for eating sps polyps