Clown with an non-anemone?????

Brad D

New member
Tank 72G, 70 lbs Live rock (not that much life), 80 lbs live sand (nature's ocean), wet dry, protein skimmer. 2 x 50/50 65w mettle halide, 2 x 40w fluorescent. 2 damsels. 1 sailfin tangs, water comes from a water purifier (w/ kdf/gac and a ceramic filter) My tank is alive for 2 months.
I want to get a Percula clown and its Anemone, but I heard they (anemone) can be a little difficult - So the LFS store recommended that get a another coral that is heartier and the clown would have the same symbiotic relationship with that - I think one of his recommendations was a hammer coral? Do you agree with this if so what other corals are good for a Percula clown.
Clowns can be very easy to please as they can be very picky. I have seen clowns in Hammers, Frog Spawns, Shrooms, and even Xenia. But then I have seen clowns that would not take anything at all.

It is just a matter of letting the clown decide.

Keep on reefing!!!

clowns are funny :) the name says it all at times .. i have always had clarkis i've had one that it's host was a lift tube use to feed the tube and all... strange right now i have a clarki in the reef and at first it went to my xenia then to an elephant ear and now it's seems to have finally settled into the colt and seems to be happy there ....for now just give it time it will find a home you never quite know what it will be buts as far as a clown needing an anenome they don't IMO
I have a false perc hosting in a "clump" of red macroalgae over the corals in the tank. It has become very aggressive lately defending its host-the algae-and will bite and bite me if I put my hand in the tank to do any work. Sure glad its not larger with sharp teeth...Little bugger
Thanks - I am probably going to get a Hammer in a few months and then get my Clown - Hope it works out.

Thanks for the 411


In my reef tank i was going to buy my clown a bubble tip, and then one day i found him in my frogspawn, protecting it and the whole bit.

A hammercoral is a good choice except their is not a lot of tenticle area. On a coral like the frogspawn they have a lot of room to dive into. Some clowns dont even care, but some are picky about this.

Basically, i would suggest what ever floats your boat.

Have Fun
i had 2 percs that wouldnt host BTA for 3 months so i went to get some skunks to see if they would host and when i got back from the LFS the two percs where rubbing against the BTA
my clown has chossen a coffee mug i threw in there just to see what happened. It took a ltiile bit. The cup started getting covered in coralline and now i cant go anywhere near the cup. I get bit all the time.

Its unfortunate as i would love to take this cup out of the
Mine like corners, overflows, powerheads even return lines but that is all. They don't look interested for my beautiful Rose anemone. :(
although its good to see clowns hosting corals its never the same as seeing them diving into its tentacles and rubbing itself against them.