Club Membership renewals


Premium Member
I need to place the card order by the end of this week to be sure to have new membership cards on time.

Those of you who joined at any time from last year to now will have no problem getting your membership card whenever you renew.

Anyone lurking out there who has not joined and is thinking of it, I would REALLY encourage you to go to the club website and complete your membership enrollment.

You can either take care of it online, or mail the form and a check to me. Please pm me for the address.

I'll send the card order in at the end of the day on Friday.

Thanks to all of you who support WTMRAC with your membership. The funds help us put on events like the frag swap and our Holiday Party meeting in December with all the cool drawing prizes. With greater support, we will be able to expand our inventory of equipment to loan, community projects such as phyto growing, and hopefully get our reef tank in the schools program going.

If you've benefitted from support and information on this website or at meetings, I encourage you to support the club with your membership.

Cathy Peck
p.s. Another benefit of membership is we're expanding email announcements for meetings, events and sponsor specials so you can keep up with all of that even if you don't regularly get on RC.
Thanks Cathy, we appreciate all that you do!! It is easy to overlook the people that actually work to keep this club togather and not just those that post on Reef Central

It is appreciated !!

I just sent out an email again so if any of you who want to be on the email mailing list didn't get a meeting announcement today, pm or email me to let me know.

I accidentally sent it from my gmail address instead of the club's but the mailing list is the same.

Can we get a sticky placed on the forum that would go directly to "club news" that would always stay at the top.

Then things could be updated and put the club application and all on the inital thread, where no one would have to search for the application and dues??
Title it "WTMRAC Club news and Link" ?

Checking other club sites it appears that would be consistent with what many other clubs have, I am new to this but can we also get the "Sponsors" sticky edited where only what are "active sponsers" are visible., other clubs it appears have that done regularly.