I am wondering if anybody can expand on the risks of CO2 when using a Ca Reactor. I had been venting my excess CO2 into the sump and this may be a bad idea.
if the unit if functioning properly and the flow is not too strong there would be no excess c02. I belive it would be used up to create the carbonic acid which actually dissolves the media. Toohigh a flow and the ph in the reactor would not have enogh time drop to the acceptable value to create c acid thus you have to dump more co2 and theres the problem. so... slow the flow of water thus ableing you to slow the c02 as well this is what I think and Im sure theres someone out there that knows more and would love to belittle me and tell us all
Only thing I could think of would be the lowering of ph in your water. I really don't see that much CO2 unless you are really dumping a ton of CO2 into your reactor.
I think what jay24k is saying is if you use a controller, there is a solenoid on the regulater which stops the co2 from flowing when there is enough in the chamber. It is the only way to fly IMHO.
Correct, the tank would be off.(C02 Tank). Sorry I wasn't clearer.
Technically what many do is still match the co2 to where it runs all the time but it is generally very very slow. I have mine set higher so it isn't constantly running.
Once I use a cheap regulator that came with the CO2 tank I bought. The CO2 was running stable for a while and I let it be. Next morning I found the regulator pumping tons of CO2 to my reactor and I check the PH in the reactor, it dropped to almost 6 and the PH in my tank dropped to 7.6 from 8.2 within one night.
That was scarry. I had to use lots of Kalkwasser solution to counter the drop on PH slowly and fortunately I didn't loss anything that time. That is something to think about. It is a good idea to use good quality regulator with a PH controller.
I agree. When my tank was in it's infancy from moving over, I consistenly had a ph of 7.7 with no issues. The main concern is your swings like icliao mentioned. So if you are consistenly running a 7.9 or 8.0 ph, as long as it is stable I would not really worry.
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