Uncle-Edgar said:
I might be jumping into the middle of something with both feet w/o truly understanding it, BUT, if 100 feet of black hose is good, wouldn't 200 be better. I've been quietly lurking in the shadows hoping to find reliable info confirming that the denitrators really work. I hadn't thought about smaller tubing, only, the bigger stuff.
If 200 is good what about 3. With the smaller tubing you could get a bunch in a reasonably small enclosure.
first off they do work. thats not really something to debate. does it work for fish tanks, thats up for debate, IME they wont remove all nitrate, but they will do a good job with alot of nitrate and for me thats good enough, ill allow my LR/DSB/plennum to handle it, or in my FO and breeding tanks ill live with the small remaining nitrate.
there are several problems with coil denitrifiers one being that the bacteria doesnt like being in high flow areas, another being that you want the coil to only remove ammonia/nitrite and alot of oxygen, the larger diameter tubing requires a longer coil, the smaller diameter tubing requires a shorter coil.
if your coil is too long then you have to go so fast the bacteria wont remove nitrate, or you will go so slow it will basically poision your tank.
if its too short its not effective at removing oxygen and you end up with a very slow nitrite source
instead of 200' you could run 2 100's though or 3 66's or 4 50's
the stiff vinyl tubing sold for ice makers at home depots in a 400' roll for $20 is nice stuff to use, and 75' works nicely, you can run many coils into a larger bio chamber and have a nice flow thru, IME it still wont lower nitrates below about 5ppm.
when i built the one on my breeding setup it cycled with only a few fish but was expected to handle much more than a few, its done its job well, but even with a few fish it still couldnt do less than 5ppm nitrates.